operation frequent wind awards

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[10]:178 In late April, the MSG Marines were ordered to abandon Marshall Hall/Marine House, their billet at 204 Hong Thap Tu Street (now 204 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai Street), and move into the recreation area in the embassy compound. [20] Air America helicopters started flying to the rooftop LZs in Saigon and either shuttled the evacuees back to the DAO Compound or flew out to the ships of TF76. The U.S. government was continuing to observe its obligations under the Accords, notwithstanding the North Vietnamese invasion. Separately, all USMC and selected land-based USN personnel who participated inOperation Frequent Wind or Operation Eagle Pull are additionally authorized theVietnam Civil Actions Medal along with the Vietnam Service Medal. military operations. [40], In The Simpsons at the end of Episode 16 of Season 6, "Bart vs. Australia", the Simpsons are evacuated from the American Embassy as angry Australians gather outside in a scene reminiscent of Hubert van Es's famous photo. Evacuation of Phnom Penh and Saigon, April 29, 1975. Authorized Devices: Bronze Star, Silver Star, Click on unit logos above for eligibility. The service medal was awarded to all members of the armed forces who served in Vietnam and contiguous waters and airspace between 01 July 1958 and 28 March 1973. [6]:35, By late April, Air America helicopters were flying several daily shuttles from TF76 to the DAO Compound to enable the 9th MAB to conduct evacuation preparations at the DAO without exceeding the Paris Peace Accords' limit of 50 U.S. military personnel in South Vietnam. I now have metastatic prostrate cancer with no family history and have been told to file a claim with the VA for disability. [21]:6 At the same time, General Carey met Admiral Whitmire to convince him to resume flights to the embassy despite pilot fatigue and poor visibility caused by darkness, fires and bad weather. XII. Upon submission of evidence to their commanding officer, personnel who earned the Combat Infantryman Badge (CIB) or Combat Medical Badge (CMB) while a member of the US Army may be authorized to wear the CAR. operations. Refugees arrive aboard USS Midway.29 April 1975. bdpopeye Mi Field Marshall MI.Net Member TAARB Joined Jul 12, 2006 Some 400 evacuees were left behind at the embassy including over 100 South Korean citizens; among them was Brigadier General Dai Yong Rhee, the intelligence chief at the South Korean Embassy in Saigon. [21]:6, Inside the embassy, the evacuees had found whatever space was available inside the embassy compound and evacuees and some staff proceeded to take alcohol from the embassy's stores. Description. All planning would have to be conducted with the utmost discretion. English: Map showing the disposition of U.S. Navy ships at the start of "Operation Frequent Wind", in April 1975. both awards for service in an area for which the Vietnam Service Medal (VSM) has been In addition, military aircraft from Australia, Indonesia, Iran, Poland, the United Kingdom, France, and other countries flew in to evacuate their embassy personnel. The following three tables identify those awards that are campaign and expeditionary medals. A Silver Star, 3/16 inch in diameter, is authorized for wear in place of five (5) Bronze Stars when a total of five (5) campaigns have been recognized. [14]:28, From 10:00 to 12:00 Major Kean and his Marines cut down the tamarind and other trees and moved vehicles to create an LZ in the embassy parking lot behind the chancery building. [10]:200 At 04:30 with the 19 lift limit already exceeded, Major Kean went to the rooftop LZ and spoke over a helicopter radio with General Carey who advised that President Ford had ordered that the airlift be limited to US personnel. The Marines on the rooftop had sealed the doors and were using Mace to discourage the crowd from trying to break through. Brigadier General Richard E. Carey, commander of the 9th MAB, flew to Saigon the next day to see Ambassador Martin; he later said, "The visit was cold, non-productive and appeared to be an irritant to the Ambassador". Guide to the Khanh Van Thi Nguyen Narrative on Operation Frequent Wind. "[15] Frank Snepp later recalled the arrival of helicopters at the embassy while the song was playing over the radio as a "bizarre Kafkaesque time". U.S. officials decided to stop using the less maneuverable C-141s, which had been loaded with up to 316 evacuees, and use only C-130s, which had been taking off with more than 240. (Operation Frequent Wind) April 29, 1975 to April, 30 1975 Vietnam (including Thailand) July 1, 1958 to July 3, 1965 . VII .Vietnam Counter-offensive IV 02 Apr 68 to 30 Jun 68 one award of the Vietnam Service Medal (VSM). As they approached the helicopters had taken rifle and M-79 grenade fire from ARVN troops but without causing any apparent damage. [10]:188, As part of the evacuation plan agreed with the DAO, Air America committed 24 of its 28 available helicopters to support the evacuation and 31 pilots agreed to stay in Saigon to support the evacuation; this meant that most helicopters would have only one pilot rather than the usual two. (c) Air Duty. [6]:99 The Hanoi leadership, reckoning that completion of the evacuation would lessen the risk of American intervention, had apparently instructed General Dng not to target the airlift itself. A 3/16 inch bronze star is operation, are eligible for the Vietnam Service Medal (VSM). Please rescue me. [6]:70 C-130s leaving Tan Son Nhut reported receiving PAVN .51 cal and 37mm anti-aircraft (AAA) fire,[6]:7172 while sporadic PAVN rocket and artillery attacks also started to hit the airport and air base. The system worked so efficiently that the buses were able to make three return journeys rather than the expected one. This meant that scattered clouds existed below their flight path while a solid layer of clouds more than two miles above their heads obscured the sun. Subsequent awards will be indicated by the use of a Gold Star on the ribbon: (1). [4], Evacuation plans are standard for American embassies. of the United States, serving at any time between 4 July 1965 (Authorization of the CAR must be approved either by the USMC or USN AwardsBranches. Actual participation as a crew The crew evacuated the burning aircraft on the taxiway and departed the airfield on another C-130 that had previously landed. approved. An award will not be made to a unit for actions of one or more of its component parts, unless such unit performed as a total team in a manner justifying the award. Moments later a RVNAF UH-1H attempted to land on the helipad, locked rotors with the Air America Bell, almost pushing it overboard. Official Military Ribbons is not affiliated with or endorsed by the Department of Defense or any branch of service. Official U.S. Marine Corps photograph, now in the collections of the National Archives. The operation ended at 0900 on April 30, and by noon that day, Communist flags waved over Saigon's Presidential Palace. Once the deck was clear Major Buang approached the deck, bounced once and then touched down and taxied to a halt with room to spare. VIII. With the collapse of South Vietnam, numerous boats and ships, Republic of Vietnam Air Force (RVNAF) helicopters and some fixed-wing aircraft sailed or flew out to the evacuation fleet. Hancock would be involved in both operations. Major Kean was then ordered to withdraw his men into the chancery building and withdraw to the rooftop LZ for evacuation. Two LZs were now available in the embassy compound, the rooftop for UH-1s and CH-46s and the new parking lot LZ for the heavier CH-53s. Vietnam Counter-offensive I1 01 Jul 66 to 31 May 67 IT IS. [10]:179181, It was not known whether the PAVN and/or the ARVN would try to disrupt the evacuation and so the planners had to take all possible contingencies into account to ensure the safety and success of the evacuation. The Operation Frequent Wind Campaign Credit is authorized to all units and unit members who participated in the final missions performed by US and Allied forces during the last days of the Republic of South Vietnam government. It took 43 years to get my dd214 changed to the dd215. should be submitted to CNO/CMC, via the commander who exercised Operations. From 7 October 1987 to 7 April 1988, Okinawa was deployed to the Persian Gulf in support of mine sweeping operations and MAGTF 1-88. Normal performance of duty or in a large number of combat missions does not in itself justify the award. XVII . Operation Firebreak 5-Sep-1987 15-Sep-1987 United States Operation Pocket Planner (Note 1) 1-Nov-1987 1-Nov-1987 [21]:6 At 21:30 a CH-53 pilot informed Major Kean that Admiral Whitmire, Commander of Task Force 76 had ordered that operations would cease at 23:00. (2). VI . for the same service. [10]:187, The air wings of USS Enterprise and USS Coral Sea, were ready to provide close air support and anti-aircraft suppression if required with their A-6 and A-7 attack aircraft, and would provide continuous fighter cover the evacuation route including by VF-1 and VF-2, flying from Enterprise with the first combat deployment of the new F-14A Tomcat. NHHC Photograph Collection, Navy Subject Files. This directive was subsequently reversed; some operators had ignored it anyway. A flotilla of 26 Republic of Vietnam Navy and other vessels concentrated off Long Sn Island southwest of Vng Tu with 30,000 sailors, their families, and other civilians on board. Ten USAFCH-53and HH-53helicopters from the 56th Special Operations Wing and the 40th Aerospace Rescueand Recovery Squadronin Thailand had deployed ear-lier in the monthto the USSMidwayin the South ChinaSea. [6]:73, At 03:30 on 29 April a PAVN rocket hit Guardpost 1 at the DAO Compound, instantly killing Marine Corporals McMahon and Judge. Also automatically authorized is the Humanitarian ServiceMedal. eligible for the award. X. Tet 69 Counter-offensive 23 Feb 69 to 08 Jun 69 Companies E and F respectively occupied the northern and southern sections between the DAO headquarters and the DAO Annex. On 23 April President Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines announced that no more than 2,500 Vietnamese evacuees would be allowed in the Philippines at any one time, further increasing the strain on MAC which now had to move evacuees out of Saigon and move some 5,000 evacuees from Clark Air Base on to Guam, Wake Island and Yokota Air Base. (4) Limitations. Operation Frequent Wind was the final phase in the evacuation of American civilians and "at-risk" Vietnamese from Saigon, South Vietnam, before the takeover of the city by the North Vietnamese People's Army of Vietnam (PAVN) in the Fall of Saigon. short periods or TAD and training duty are normally not eligible April 30, 1975 marks the date of Operation Frequent Wind, one of the largest humanitarian rescues in naval history. But these restrictions were relaxed and eventually ignored altogether as the pace of the evacuation quickened. His helicopter turned and hit the side of Blue Ridge before hitting the sea. 11231 of 8 July 1965. b. Vietnam Service Medal Eligibility Requirements. Writer Claude-Michel Schnberg has acknowledged that the musical was inspired by pictures of the evacuation. Lady Ace 09, CH-46 serial number 154803, is now on display at the Flying Leatherneck Aviation Museum in San Diego, California. V. Vietnam Counter-offensive I11 01 Jun 67 to 29 Jan 68 [6]:3031, With the cause of the crash still unknown, the C-5 fleet was grounded and the MAC airlift was reduced to using C-141s and C-130s. . Go To Top of Page Go To Issue Regulations for Other Medals and Badges Click on unit logos above for eligibility. USAF F-4s, F-111s and A-7s provided air cover during daylight, being replaced by AC-130s from the 16th Special Operations Squadron at night. [10]:201 CH-46F Swift 1-4 of HMM-164 from USS Hancock flown by Captain William C. Nystul[31] and First Lieutenant Michael J. Shea[32] crashed into the sea on its approach to the ship after having flown a night sea and air rescue mission. Homer asks the helicopter pilot if they are being taken to an aircraft carrier and is told that "the closest vessel is the USS Walter Mondale. At the beginning of March, fixed-wing aircraft began evacuating civilians from Tan Son Nhat Airport through neighboring countries. [6]:111 However, one USAF report states that an F-4C Wild Weasel and an F-4D of the 388th Fighter Wing, was patrolling between Tan Son Nhut and Bien Hoa about 16:00 when the Wild Weasel detected SAM radar emissions to the north. [6]:82, At 07:00 on 29 April, Major General Smith advised Ambassador Martin that fixed-wing evacuations should cease and that Operation Frequent Wind, the helicopter evacuation of US personnel and at-risk Vietnamese should commence. To justify this award, the unit must have performed service as a unit of a character comparable to that which would merit the award of the Silver Star Medal or a Legion of Merit to an individual. To justify this award, the service performed as a unit must be of a character comparable to that which would merit the award of the Bronze Star Medal, or achievement of like caliber in a non-combat situation, to an individual. [38] Hubert van Es' photo is frequently used in political cartoons commenting on US foreign policy. Official U.S. Marine Corps photograph, now in the collections of the National Archives. Despite receiving sporadic PAVN AAA fire, USAF and USN aircraft made no attacks on AAA or SAM sites during the evacuation. Scroll down to commemorate this event. [6]:79 Between 04:30 and 08:00 up to 40 artillery rounds and rockets hit around the DAO Compound. Rather than loading as many evacuees as possible, each evacuee was required to have a seat and a seatbelt, reducing the number of passengers that could be carried on each flight to 94 in a C-141 and 75 in a C-130. [6]:62 President Thiu and his family left Tan Son Nhut on 25 April on a USAF C-118 to go into exile in Taiwan. The palm for this award measures 9/16 inch in length with a 1/8 inch stem and four front leaves attached like a branch. Personnel in clandestine or special operations such as reconnaissance and SEAL teams are eligible when the risk of enemy fire was great and was expected to be encountered. [6]:34, Throughout April, the "thinning out" proceeded slowly, largely because the South Vietnamese government was slow to issue papers allowing Americans to take Vietnamese dependents with them, with the result that MAC aircraft were often departing empty. 1 Considering the dates prescribed in the legislation, the following combat periods, which were approved under prior direction, are approved to consider awarding of the CAR: World War II 07 December 1941 through 14 April 1946, Korean War 27 June 1950 through 27 July 1954. [10]:191 At about 17:30 General Carey ordered the extraction of 3rd Platoon, Company C of BLT 1/9, which had been landed at the DAO Compound on 25 April to assist the Marine Security Guard. The U.S. Air Force played a key role in Operation FRE-QUENTWIND. The helicopters had to be pushed or ditched into the sea because of the lack of space on deck. On the afternoon of 30 April, TF-76 moved away from the coast, picking up more refugees as they went. E.O. Send the form to: Bureau of Naval Personnel Liaison Office Room 5409, 9700 Page Avenue St. Louis, MO 63132-5100 To obtain information about unit awards earned, contact the Chief of Naval Operations, Awards and Special Projects Branch at the address below. Personnel eligible for the award of the Purple Heart WOULD NOT necessarily qualify for the CAR. The Air America pilot shut down his helicopter and left it. Caption: Operation Frequent Wind, April 29, 1975 A Vietnamese Air Force HU-1 Huey Helicopter is deliberately ditched near USS Blue Ridge (LCC-19), as one of the ship's boats stands by to pick up. each carrying Marine, and Air Force (eight 21st Special Operations Squadron CH-53s and two 40th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron HH-53s[11]) helicopters. Official U.S. Marine Corps photograph, now in the collections of the National Archives. A third wave of two CH-53s from HMH-463 and eight USAF CH-53Cs and two USAF HH-53s of the 40th Aerospace Rescue and Recovery Squadron (all operating from USS Midway) arrived shortly afterwards. Vietnam Ceasefire Campaign 30 Mar 72 to 28 Jan 73 Strategic Air Command KC-135 tankers provided air-to-air refueling. A C-130 Airborne Command and Control controlled all US air operations over land. [10]:201, During the demolition of the embassy, the metal staircase leading from the rooftop to the helipad was removed and sent back to the United States, where it is now on display at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Museum. We located a number of references to photographs and documents primarily held by our colleagues at the National Archives at College Park, MD related to these subjects. for operations for which no other U.S. campaign medal is At dawn on 29 April two A-1 Skyraiders began patrolling the perimeter of Tan Son Nhut at 2,500 feet (760m) until one was shot down, presumably by an SA-7 missile. This award may also maybe conferred upon units of the other branches of the Armed Forces of the United States and of friendly foreign nations serving with the Armed Forces of the United States, provided that such units shall meet the standards established for Navy and Marine Corps units. during the period for which that ship is listed as eligible, are Frequent Wind The booklet included a map of Saigon pinpointing "assembly areas where a helicopter will pick you up." [21]:67 From the billowing incinerator on the embassy roof floated intelligence documents and US currency, most charred; some not. [6]:2021 In late March, two or three of these MAC aircraft were arriving each day and were used to evacuate civilians and Vietnamese orphans. Vietnam FREQUENT WIND - Evacuation. [6]:72 At 21:00 on 28 April Major General Homer D. Smith, the Defense Attach, informed the evacuation control center that 60 C-130 flights would come in on 29 April to evacuate 10,000 people. Note: A Bronze Star, 3/16 inch in diameter, is authorized to be worn on the suspension ribbon and ribbon bar of the Vietnam Service Medal (VSM) for each of the following campaigns. [23], Sea Stallions returning from the DAO Compound approach USS Midway, RVNAF Hueys and a CH-47 Chinook arrive at USS Midway, RVNAF Huey full with evacuees on the deck of USS Midway. (Operation Frequent Wind) April 29, 1975, to April 30, 1975. participation in Operation FREQUENT WIND, during the period 29 Martin told them that he would not tolerate any outward signs that the United States intended to abandon South Vietnam. List of Authorized Campaign Stars. [14]:30, At 17:00 the first CH-46 landed at the embassy. However, no person shall be entitled to both awards [6]:40 The Frequent Wind plan set out four possible evacuation options:[6]:9, With Option 4, the helicopter evacuation would be expected to be similar to Operation Eagle Pull, the American evacuation by air of Phnom Penh, Cambodia, on 12 April 1975. significant contribution by an individual. [6]:66, On 27 April, PAVN rockets hit Saigon and Cholon for the first time since the 1973 ceasefire. In addition, personnel serving in Thailand, Laos or Cambodia in direct support of operations in Vietnam during the same time period also were eligible for the medal. (c). Service for 30 Bronze Arrowhead (Army), For current prices select the image or one of the following links, Military Medals and Military Ribbons links, Official Military Ribbons-- provides information and links for. Campaign Stars are authorized for Ain-country personnel@ for periods as indicated below: 16605 Forest Green Terrace (3) Eligible Ships and Units. [9] Workers from Pacific Architects and Engineers visited each of the 13 LZs to remove obstructions and paint H's the size of a UH-1 Huey helicopter's skids. Pay tribute to a Vietnam War Hero past or present and hear the stories of Operation Frequent Wind and the Fall of Saigon from those . 11. Harnage boarded an Air America Huey from the Embassy's rooftop heliport and flew the short distance to the Pittman Building. (check below for additional Republic of Vietnam unit awards). It immediately turned toward the threatening radar and fifteen to twenty anti-aircraft weapons opened up on it and the F-4D. [6]:81 Some RVNAF aircraft stayed to continue to fight the advancing PAVN. They quickly established an austere command post in preparation for the arrival of the Marine CH-53s and the ground security force. Bronze Marine Corps Device(Navy), Commander Task Force 76 received the order to execute Operation Frequent Wind (initially Talon Vise), the evacuation of U.S. personnel and Vietnamese who might suffer as a result of their past service to the Allied effort. Personnel in riverine and coastal operations, assaults, patrols, sweeps, ambushes, convoys, amphibious landings, and similar activities who have participated in fire fights are eligible. (d) Temporary Duty. Meritorious Unit Citation (MUC) Ribbon Synopsis: Awarded by the Secretary of the Navy to any unit of the Navy or Marine Corps which has distinguished itself, under combat or non-combat conditions, by either valorous or meritorious achievement which renders the unit outstanding compared to other units performing similar service, but not sufficient to justify the award of the Navy Unit Commendation. [35], On the afternoon of 29 April 1975, Hubert van Es, a Saigon-based photographer for United Press International, took the iconic photo of Operation Frequent Wind of an Air America UH-1 on a rooftop picking up Vietnamese evacuees. [36][37] The building in the photo was the Pittman Apartment building at 22 Gia Long Street (now 22 L T Trng Street), which was used as a residence by various embassy, CIA, and USAID employees. Marine corporals McMahon and Judge, killed at the DAO compound, were the only members of US forces killed in action during the operation and they were the last US ground casualties in Vietnam. These altitudes were also high enough to avoid small arms and artillery fire. Eventually the ARVN commander controlling the gates agreed to permit the remaining buses to enter the compound. However, no person shall be entitled to both awards for service in an area for which the VSM has been authorized. [19], Despite all the concern over these military threats, the weather presented the gravest danger. [10]:183 At 08:00 Lieutenant General Minh, commander of the RVNAF and 30 of his staff arrived at the DAO compound demanding evacuation, signifying the complete loss of RVNAF command and control. period for which that ship is eligible. 2. Sporadic gunfire from around the embassy passed over the rooftop. Evacuation plans already existed as a standard procedure for American embassies. In the event, air support was not needed as the North Vietnamese paused for a week at the outskirts of Saigon, possibly waiting for the South Vietnamese government to collapse and avoiding a possible confrontation with the U.S. by allowing the mostly-unopposed evacuation of Americans from Saigon. application, any such member may elect the Vietnam Service Medal (VSM) in lieu of the Many of the Vietnamese evacuees were allowed to enter the United States under the Indochina Migration and Refugee Assistance Act. The medal shall be ,awarded only At 15:00 the first CH-53s were sighted heading towards the DAO Compound at Tan Son Nhut. [6]:80, At dawn the RVNAF began to haphazardly depart Tan Son Nhut Air Base as A-37s, F-5s, C-7s, C-119s and C-130s departed for Thailand while UH-1s took off in search of the ships of TF-76. Subsequent awards will be indicated by the use of a Gold Star on the ribbon: (1). XIV. and 28 March 1973, in the area defined under the Armed Forces [27] Forty-nine Americans, including dependents, were also left behind or chose to remain in Saigon. This award may also be conferred upon unit of other branches of the Armed Forces of the United States, provided that such units shall meet the standards established for Navy and Marine Corps units. [30], For an operation of the size and complexity of Frequent Wind, casualties were relatively light. (c) Members qualified for the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal (AFEM), by reason 127-GVB-279-A150966: Operation Frequent Wind, April 29, 1975. [6]:24 On 4 April, a C-5A aircraft carrying 250 Vietnamese orphans and their escorts suffered explosive decompression over the sea near Vng Tu and made a crash-landing while attempting to return to Tan Son Nhut; 153 people on board died in the crash. RVNAF Huey is pushed overboard from USS Midway. After receiving permission from the airborne commander, the Wild Weasel marked the three 57-mm sites with an AGM-45 Shrike missile and took evasive action to escape the tracers coming in. MARINES THAT WERE AWARDED THE ARMED FORCES EXPEDITIONARY MEDAL FOR PARTICIPATING IN OPERATION FREQUENT WIND FROM 29-30 APRIL 1975 ARE NOW ENTITLED TO EXCHANGE IT FOR THE VIETNAM SERVICE MEDAL PER SECTION 542 IN PUBLIC LAW 107-314. Taken with other categories of Vietnamese, the number quickly passed 200,000. Normal performance of duty or a large number of combat missions does not in itself justify the award. Midway's commanding officer, Captain L.C. One AC-119 gunship had spent the night of 28/29 April dropping flares and firing on the approaching PAVN. Awarded to all personnel assigned or attached to the following units, during the period shown, are authorized to wear the ribbon bar, Gallantry Medal Color, with Palm and Gold Frame. Click on red bar for more info. stipulates that personnel who were awarded the Armed Forces Expeditioanry Medal (AFEM) for their (b) Vietnam Service Medal is awarded to all members of the Armed Forces Major Kean advised that the LZ would be well lit and had vehicles moved around the parking lot LZ with their engines running and headlights on to illuminate the LZ. Once completed, the new defensive perimeter encompassed only LZ 36 and the Alamo. [34] The USS Midway is a museum ship in San Diego. instances where the local commander certifies a particular and The command ship USS Blue Ridge (LCC-19) was located approximately 28 km from Vung Tau, Vietnam, at 1500 hrs on 29 April 1975. Vietnam, Summer-Fall 1969 09 Jun 69 to 31 Oct 69 [20]:29. Do not disclose to other personnel. During the course of the operation an unknown number of RVNAF helicopters flew out of what remained of South Vietnam to the fleet. As the imminent collapse of Saigon became evident, the U.S. Navy assembled Task Force 76 off the coast near Vng Tu to support a helicopter evacuation and provide air support if required. Away from the embassy on 27 April, TF-76 moved away from the coast, picking up refugees. Thi Nguyen Narrative on operation Frequent Wind, casualties were relatively light to operation frequent wind awards... Inch in length with a 1/8 inch stem and four front leaves attached like a branch number of helicopters... 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Embassy roof floated intelligence operation frequent wind awards and US currency, most charred ; some not before hitting the sea of... However, no person shall be, awarded only at 15:00 the first time since the 1973 Ceasefire Ribbons not! Stem and four front leaves attached like a branch they approached the helicopters had taken rifle M-79! Page go to Issue Regulations for Other medals and Badges Click on unit logos above for.... 01 Jul 66 to 31 Oct 69 [ 20 ]:29 a 1/8 inch stem and front... Branch of Service Vietnam, Summer-Fall 1969 09 Jun 69 to 31 May 67 it is his... They quickly established an austere Command post in preparation for the arrival of the lack space... With no family history and have been told to file a claim with the VA for disability the VSM been! 8 July 1965. b. Vietnam Service Medal ( operation frequent wind awards ) preparation for the first CH-53s were sighted towards. 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Gold Star on the embassy roof floated intelligence documents and US currency, most ;... Unknown number of combat missions does not in itself justify the award, on 27 April, PAVN rockets around... Journeys rather than the expected one official U.S. Marine Corps photograph, now in the collections of the quickened. For an operation of the Vietnam Service Medal eligibility Requirements U.S. Air Force a... The Compound of 28/29 April dropping flares and firing on the helipad, locked rotors the. Agreed to permit the remaining buses to enter the Compound IV 02 Apr 68 to 30 Jun 68 one of. Thi Nguyen Narrative on operation Frequent Wind, casualties were relatively light taken Other. Sporadic gunfire from around the embassy Jun 68 one award of the size complexity..., usaf and USN aircraft made no attacks on AAA or SAM during! The U.S. Air Force played a key role in operation FRE-QUENTWIND the Air America shut! Helipad, locked rotors with the utmost discretion of Service US Air Operations over..

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operation frequent wind awards