harry potter fanfiction reading the books abused harry

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The problem was that it was required in the first place, Amelia stated. He spent so long getting off the train at the end of seventh year that the barrier had closed, and he had to apparate himself to his flat, Remus chuckled. Umbridge picked up one of the books showing it to Fudge "I have found these books Cornelius, they tell the truth about that brats life and everything that has happened here". I agree the system needs looking into, Minerva sighed. In which a sudden appearance of 8 is made at the Book 4: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. That is a good point. On Fates orde. Very not good, Sirius muttered to himself, clutching Harry tightly. If it makes you feel better, I did make Dobby promise not to save my life again, Harry told him. Its the mess with the points from first year and the forest detention all over again, Neville muttered to himself. Instead, he revved the engine and shot the car up into a bank of clouds. percyjackson; groverunderwood; poseidonsdaughter +22 more. But after he runs away after blowing up aunt marge, he sees him and a boy who looks exactly like him appear. Harry-Katie House-elves are very powerful, and Dobby seemed pretty adamant that Harry shouldnt go back to school. How did you know how to fly the car? Molly rounded on her son. Contrary to belief, I dont enjoy taking points off of my lions, Minerva stated. Sirius asked the room for some parchment and scribbled down a note of Harrys favourite dessert. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Harry Potter & Fred Weasley & George Weasley, Book 5: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Book 1: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. We ask you to please, read the books and try to do the right thing. They headed to the barrier together and crashed. Ron was visibly nervous now as he patted the dashboard, telling the car it couldn't be far now. Harems. Answer (1 of 2): I haven't actually read these yet myself, so I can't tell you if there's any time travel, but there is an unofficial series of novels about James Sirius Potter's adventures at Hogwarts that I stumbled upon a few years back. Took longer than I would have expected, Filius muttered, making Pomona smile in amusement. The Ministry cars all had them after all. Through the gloom they could make out that the trunk was nearly bent double as its limbs continued smashing every inch of the car it could reach. I was fine, Ron repeated exasperatedly. Harry was eagerly awaiting their arrival at the school, where they would surely swoop down on the lawn to the cheering crowd of students and jealous faces of Fred and George. Im going to kill that house-elf, Sirius growled. Before we can do anything else, me and Ron are surrounded by a mass of red hair. Umbridge was sitting in her office staring at a stack of books. You know full well Dumbledore would never expel Harry Potter, Emmeline pointed out. And it was a reasonable argument.. Harry felt a prickle of unease, this wasn't the first time Snape had given the appearance of being omniscient, but this time in answer he pulled out an evening copy of the Daily Prophet which had the bold headline stating that a Flying Ford Anglia had Mystified Muggles. "Welcome everybody, today we will start reading a series of books that are spelled to tell the absolute truth. Alternate Universe. She tried to continue in a more severe tone of voice, but Harry, sensing what she was about to do, cut her off and pleaded that they had stolen the car before school had even started, so she shouldn't really take points away from Gryffindor. It was pretty interesting in the beginning, Ron admitted. You spent a whole year with a broken wand? Imagine how the rest of us feel living there all the time, especially when theyre mad at you.. Lily Evans was heading to classes, trying to stop thinking about , when she received a letter from Professor Dumbledore. Harry caught sight of a tree right in their path, and tried to go for the wheel himself, but too late. It's not his fault he can't control his temper and it's not like Dumbledore is helping, he hasn't spoken to Harry since the trial. An owl would have taken far too long. It was right after Id been recognised by someone and I guess Aunt Petunia thought they were watching her so when she gave Dudley some money for sweets, she gave me some too, Harry explained. Hogwarts students and staff, Madame Maxime . Here you were trapped in the middle of muggle London. But we love any excuse to party, George grinned. "Minister what is this about," she asked looking a bit upset that she was pulled away from her work, "Well Amelia, Dolores found these books telling the stories of Mr. Potter's time here at Hogwarts. Sorry, Perc. That was completely different. Posted by April 19, 2022 harry potter x viktor krum lemon. She didn't look any more pleased than the other teacher, and Harry either had never seen, or had forgotten just how thin her mouth could go in anger. Join Marauders and the others as they read the book and save the future At the middle of the year, an unknown letter with a pile of books appeared out of nowhere. To two twelve-year-olds, Im sure it seemed like a grand adventure to fly a car to Hogwarts, Bill put in. An owl, the Knight Bus which Im sure Mr. Weasley knew how to summon, waiting for your parents.. After hours of this though, the thrill began to wear off. Then she shuddered, realising that it wouldnt have helped. Which could easily be well out of London by then, Kingsley pointed out. Its fine, Ron. Either way, the barrier shouldnt have closed yet, so why couldnt you two get through? Emmeline wanted to know. In came Amelia Bones, Tonks, Kingsley, and Moody, then right behind them the rest of the Weasleys, Remus, and Snuffles. Harry Potter dies alone and is given a chance to change things, for a price. Harry looked in disdain at the grinning cartoon snake on the front of the diaper. "Dolores, what is this about?" Ok, now that can definitely be mailed on later, Andromeda stated. Children need structure and consistency, Andromeda agreed. They thought being called liars and having det A WARLIKE WOMAN And it also happens to be from the future? She raised her wand the moment she entered; Harry and Ron both flinched. Then he kept going in as close to a happy voice as he could, stating that if they'd been in his house, they would have been expelled that moment. crafters wood cutouts Read popular harry potter everyone is protective of harry Fanfiction book in Webnovel. But then we had no idea why youd taken the car, Fred reminded him with a shrug. Oh, I was angry, but I was more relieved you were alright and that the car hadnt been stolen by muggles which would have required even more clean-up than with you two flying it, Arthur told his son with a slight smile. Im sure the novelty will wear off sooner or later.. At first, Harry loved this method of traveling. 303 pages Completed December 9, 2021 MultiFandom Check. as well as Ron yelled after it, demanding it come back or his dad would kill him. Its no wonder you werent really used to it.. Ron could have seriously hurt himself or a classmate working with that wand all year, they should have noticed and written to Mrs Weasley about it. And one of those boys was Harry Potter. I wouldnt have minded the expansion charm. Ron looked abundantly pleased with himself, but Harry caught sight of a less pleasant Weasley, Percy. It was hardly the triumphant arrival they'd been expecting. Harry Potter and Seraphina McCall thought their lives couldn't be any worse than it is right now, but they just jinxed it. It definitely had a personality of its own, Ron muttered grumpily. She only started up a fire in the empty earth. Why not simply get yourselves fully dressed, grab a quick breakfast and then make sure you have everything? Fanfiction; Fantasy; Historical Fiction; . Youre welcome in your own house, arent treated like a house-elf. Could have caused a lot of damage, running about with a broken wand, let alone using it! He turned to Dumbledore. They were learning so much about the school and its inner workings. Harry assured her that they hadn't been expelled. He felt a hand on his shoulder as he started freaking out "relax Harry as long as he stays in his animagus form no one will know"Angelina whispered into his ear. I should be able to have a new punishment and reward system in place for the start of next year.. I respect your right to your views but this isn't a story that will reflect that particular viewpoint. Sadly, he didn't have that power, and he was going to get the people who did. They were saved though by someone coming up behind them, Hermione. Ron said it was no problem when Harry asked if he could fly it. And flying a car to Hogwarts is a lot safer than chasing after dark wizards, through traps that should have been a lot more dangerous than they ended up being, Fluffy aside.. They're still tra Just My Story Ideas if anyone wants to use them I give permission just please tag me. Snape simply gestured to the book. 302. I assume the strain of such a long journey speed up the process, Filius mused to himself. Technically, wouldnt this be a parental matter rather than a school matter? My apologies Mr. Potter, Mr. Weasley. Thats what you forgot? Molly glowered at her son. Yes, you and Ron shouldnt have flown it but from what Ive heard it was Rons idea in the first place. She stuck her head into the floo calling out to Cornelius. Harry winced. Flitwick did as asked and the book opened, ready to begin. Hedwig was shrieking in the backseat. I dont recall studying it in any Herbology lessons.. At least they are on school grounds now. They ate their fill, as the plate and cups kept refilling themselves, and then made their way up the nearly endless staircases until they made it to the portrait of the fat lady. She instructed them to eat in here and then go to their dormitories when they were done, then she excused herself and left as well. Arthur sat up, wondering if he was going to find out what had happened to his car in the end. The guard could have at least checked you were alright, Molly huffed. We only popped down every now and again quickly, to make sure we were going in the same direction, explained Ron. Or some times completely changi had never cared about what other people thought of her - and why would she ? Me too, Remus muttered. Now, was that deliberate or not? Sirius wondered with a glance towards his old head of house. MJ and Violet might also have Harry getting mad at them but they care about him and didn't mean to let him be harmed. Ron easily sidestepped this, saying it was only a scratch. Book 3: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Well, other than some pranks by the twins, I wasnt in any danger at your house which was a plus, Harry pointed out with a grin. Especially considering the extra work she already had coming up with the tournament being held the next school year. And I thought your mothers punishment was enough.. At least the steering still worked, Bill heaved a sigh of relief. What in the name on Merlin is going on? Sirius wanted to know. Second Chances by Mara Rome reviews. The boy is named Harry Potter and his twin sister is named Riona Potter. It won the Quibbler Awards (not sure what that is, but included in case it's relevant). It could have been a lot worse, Arthur sighed. Both boys were wishing they had been on the train. Hopefully the tree would be distracted by the car if they make a break for it, Bill offered hopefully. A nearby guard yelled at them. Harry nudged Ron, and both boys made quick work of escaping up to their dormitories. Ron whispered back they were going to miss the train, and Harry watched the clock tick down to eleven, pushing on the barrier which refused to give. Dobby's Warning Harry and Ron waited in terrified silence, but didn't have to wonder long as Snape soon returned with Professor McGonagall. As Harry watched a small boy made his way up to the hat and Professor McGonagall dropped the hat down on his head. Ron, who would know far better than Harry just what a terrible idea that is, Percy added. She agreed not to take points but stated they would both have detention. It was doing a bit of damage too, the roof was caving in on them, and the windshield was trembling, clearly fixing to crack free any moment. It had taken quite the beating, as steam was still coming out of its hood. Im not sure thats something to ignore, Ted pointed out. Ron began defending themselves again, but once again Snape told them to be silent. Join Harry and everyone reading the Harry Potter book series (This is a crackfic and is hopefully better than the summary) Also, while I may not support the author, a decent chunk of this is JK Rowling's work, since they are reading the book series afterall. Bold of you to assume they dont just do it on the train, Charlie laughed. It was an accident! Harry spluttered, not having heard those comments previously. Professor McGonagall raised her wand one more time, and a plate of sandwiches and drinks appeared. Lets just keep reading, yeah? Harry still wasnt looking at him and Ron frowned, having no idea what to say. Ron pressed his ear to the cold barrier but said he couldnt hear anything. He hadn't been spending much time with them this year. It was a hectic morning, Fred offered with a shrug. We will finally be able to expose him for the liar he is." Fudge asked, walking up to her desk. Arthur added quietly, prompting his wife to give in with a small huff. Given how reckless and impulsive he had proven to be, it seemed like such an idea would be a grand idea to the twelve-year-old. Dumbledore did insist though upon the seriousness of what they'd done though, informing them that if they did anything else like that again, he would have to expel them. If they get out and get hit, well, it could be a lot worse, Sirius pointed out grimly, arm tight around Harrys shoulders. However much money Harry has, it cant buy him any of those things, she explained in an undertone. We thought the car, the magically enhanced car, had been stolen by muggles! Molly scolded her son. Its not even a spell, thats just wishful thinking, George agreed. They almost wished theyd missed the train as well. Please consider turning it on! Severus was eyeing the book with narrowed eyes. Ron picked up Hedwig as people nearby muttered about animal cruelty. Ron adjusted a few more things and suddenly the car was airborne, all that was visible was a pair of floating eyeballs. We had to hop on while it started moving, Fred admitted. My, we are getting through this slowly, she fretted. 5. We all knew by the time they made it to the common room.. How could you forget that? Charlie asked his brother in horror. Even better than Hogwarts? Ron asked quietly. Umbridge stood up from her seat. " Hem hem " spoke up Umbridge as soon as the school was assembled. Hedwig was shot free from the car, her cage landed with a rattle, and she finally managed to get free of her confines and took no time in sweeping away towards the owlery. Harry instead began inspecting the other teachers, easily picking out the Headmaster Dumbledore, the newest teacher Lockhart, Hagridas Harry did a tally he realized that one was missing, Snape. If hed kept his wand in his pocket, it might well not have snapped. Yes, the adults are judgemental and biased. The Whomping Willow. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone. And how did none of the staff notice? Ron shrugged. They were up at dawn the next morning but still seemed to have a great deal to do. They had noted the greater than normal number of accidents Ron had had with spellcasting that year, but by Halloween there had been other things on their minds. Only Gryffindors would be pleased by such a stupid stunt, Draco said, shaking his head. And they like you. Ginny smiled at Ron, pleased her brother had thought to ask about her, even after his exciting evening. Eryoull see? Harry offered weakly. Yeah. We will all make it out of this." In which, Fem!Harry Potter, Amaryllis Lilith Potter is the doppelgnger of the Petrova line. Abused Harry Potter; Harry Potter Needs a Hug; Book 5: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix . They all got in and Mrs Weasley commented that muggles know more than they gave them credit for as youd never guess it was this room from the outside. Oh, hes going to be right behind you, isnt he? Tonks groaned. That hadnt been his finest moment. "So what do you guys think this is about? tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery (Video Game), Harry Potter & Fred Weasley & George Weasley, Book 2: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. Just a bit ruffled, and not very happy with me, Harry assured him. The Worst Birthday But Dumbledore cut him off, reminding that they were in McGonagall's house, so she would decide the punishment. None of them knew why and were confused about what could be happening that would need everyone. 49. Anything could have happened to them in the time it would take for an owl to get to Hogwarts. Fudge picked up one of the books reading the title "Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban" 'hmm' he thought 'this could be useful', "Dolores go and get all the students and teachers and bring them to the great hall, I'm going to floo call Amelia", when she walked out of the room he walked over to the floo to make a call. Which were? Bet she just didnt want him to fly the car. Ron's knuckles were white as he gripped the steering wheel, pleading with the car now just a few feet more and gave the gas pedal one more push, then the car stuttered, and died. Ron, however misguided his belief was, somehow thought his parents might just apparate home so didnt think about waiting for them, Sirius pointed out. Thatll only make you thirstier. But I thought with the car completely lost, dad would actually be angry and you know thats scarier, Ron reminded him. When they were done, her first question was to Harry, demanding to know why he hadn't simply used his owl to ask for help. In Black Mulberry, Harry is a quiet child raised by Snape after the Dursleys' abuse is discovered. Yes Draco and Snape in particular did/said terrible things and I won't be excusing that, but the point of the readings is character growth. He dearly wished for a chance to examine the machine. Wicked. Sirius whistled. You think a house-elf managed to close the barrier? Amelia asked curiously. Several people scowled at how true that was. So it was Weasley who came up with such an idiotic idea, Severus drawled. She was fine. A Hero is from Dudley's POV. Please tell me you reinforced the glass? Molly begged her husband. Maybe that will put you off such foolish stunts in the future, Minerva said, though without too much hope. 25 Feb 2023. And it hasn't helped that Hermione is always on his case about Umbridge and how he should act. Harry wondered how Rons parents would get home. I lost count of how often I had to fix the hangings around my bed after you or James accidentally set off fireworks in the dorm.. How do you know about airplanes, but cant use a telephone? Harry wanted to know. Why not floo to the station? Draco wondered. Honestly, they might well be safer inside. He has that effect, Sirius muttered. By now everyone in the guild have noticed something wrong with Percy and Cana being the closest gets to Percy and tries to calm him down. Darkness began slipping in around them as they went back down for another check on the train, but this time when they tried to shoot back up, the car began to whine. Were you ok? Charlie asked his brother in concern. I was so worried when I couldnt find either of you on the train. They didnt want to include Ginny, knowing how she felt about going back for the diary in the first place. They were all about Potter. Definitely not my best idea, Ron muttered bitterly. Both boys winced. That would have been bad, Tonks winced. Thats something at least, Sirius sighed. They went back below the clouds and spotted the scarlet engine, winding along below them like a giant snake. He found it difficult not to be jealous of Ron when he considered the kind of welcome he would get from his relatives next summer. Classes will be cancelled while we read this book. Ron told him they could apparate and wouldnt need the car. Young Remus Lupin. Severus huffed, but without as much emotion as he had felt previously. Romance: (Pair TBD) - To Be Determined. Even right after a feast? Pomona raised an eyebrow. Of me? Ron frowned in confusion. He took the proffered book and located the correct page. Sending an owl? having lived or existed for only a short time. When a bunch of books appear in the great hall detailing the past, present, and future what will the students and staff of Hogwarts choose to believe? Along with several other charms that allowed them to pass through traffic easily. Yeah, Harry assured him. I think the boys trip to Surrey and back would have been the longest its ever been flown. That was a useful addition that wouldnt get you in trouble with the law. Both boys eagerly stepped forward, trying to avoid said point, only to step into a swarm of applauding Gryffindors. Kids dont exactly think things through at the best of times, which this isnt. Hence why we even have these reading the books stories. When they went below the skyline this time, Hogwarts was finally visible in the distance. Summary: . Reading the Books. Five minutes later they were back as Fred had forgotten his broomstick. "No mate, I'm going to go sit with the rest of the team" and walked off towards the group, sitting between Fred and Angelina and across from George, Katie, and Alicia. The first thing she said was to Ron, pointing out that he had a cut on his forehead, and should go up to the hospital wing to get it checked out. But with the invisibility booster, and a few notice-me-not charms after you landed, nobody would have noticed, Bill pointed out. Even if we had thought of it, I certainly didnt know how to get to the Leaky Cauldron from Kings Cross. If they were eating dessert when Professor Dumbledore left, it would probably be pointless to go anyway. Hermione gave it, but tried to continue with her point anyways. Head to the Leaky Cauldron to get help, Filius reminded them. Harry couldn't seem to wipe the smile off his face for the rest of the night. Glancing over at his best friend, he saw Harry practically squirming in his seat and desperately avoiding eye contact with him. Sirius grimaced. Erno? He offered her a winning smile that she didnt believe for a second. Hed honestly just assumed the Ministry had confiscated it, well, that a teacher from the school had sent it on to the Ministry who then confiscated it. Then a knock came from the door, and Snape opened it to reveal Dumbledore. Harry worried about how much trouble Rons dad would get into when people found out he'd been bewitching a car. Then Snape randomly jumped to his earlier search of the grounds, and the damage he'd noticed upon the Whomping Willow. After Amelia came out three more came out right behind her. Had felt previously won the Quibbler Awards ( not sure thats something to,... Snape opened it to the Leaky Cauldron from Kings Cross what Ive heard it was Weasley who up! How much trouble Rons dad would get into when people found out he noticed. On his case about Umbridge and how he should act with them this year is! Was sitting harry potter fanfiction reading the books abused harry her office staring at a stack of books that are spelled to tell the truth! Happy with me, Harry assured her that they had been on the train to Hogwarts Bill... He could fly it of her - and why would she thought your mothers punishment was enough at. 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harry potter fanfiction reading the books abused harry