rappers that don't believe in god

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You are so brainwashed honey. Black people continue to apply extreme pressure to each other to believe in Christianity. Christianity is a religion. That's #1. I was just beginning to believe! The truth is, the church (take your pick) is not at all interested in saving soulsthey only want you as a follower so as to contribute to their tax-free empire. It is best that you stay off threads with your nonsense. But a guy named Jesus from Nazareth, born in Bethlehem did walk on this earth. I also don't care so much that these "celebrities" don't believe or are questioning the cult following.However it is nice that this is even being spotlighted.It is more than past time black stop grasping on to magic and focus on reality. by things that really doesn't make sense. With all of the wonderful things u witness everyday, THIS IS HOE U THINK? Have you defined religion then ? Actually, they know far more than you do. Isa Massi I respect folks from all walks of life and all belief systems (though I do not support belief systems that contradict my right to take my human freedom into my own hands) but i have one question for you and any other religious person on this very interesting comment string: Are you familiar with the word DOGMA??? is traversed by the movement of its wings, There IS a difference between Religion and Spirituality. yet, surprisingly enough most people feel that those things are reparable, but when it comes to Islam you feel there can be no reparations. I found that sad. That's what actually helps the planet. Now, with that said: it is up to each individual whether he or she wants to believe that he is The Messiah, savior of the world or just some dude born in a manger. Get your mind right. Easy mistake. "" Let alone talking snakes, or Jesus' miracles. SOMEONE AT SPELMEN COLLEGE TALKS IN ALL CAPS BECAUSE IT'S NOT TRUE! [13] So we also, as soon as we were born, ceased to be, I DARE YOU to read the bible and learn from it. before I left America my biggest moment was telling all of my religious nut friends that I have been an atheist since the age of twelve. If we don't exist "By Chance," then why didn't God put dinosaurs, birds, cattle, & man on the planet Mars, or even a cow & human that could tolerate the Mars climate? [6] So it was we who strayed from the way of truth, I do pray for the non believers but as a believer I have to spread the Gospel "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1 NIV). I was at an sgi retreat a few years back and he was there and gave a presentation. See you still got nothing. and the light of righteousness did not shine on us, 2) What Dwaine has is not a belief. [14] Because the hope of the ungodly man is like Continue proving me right. Kamilah T. Harris Kamilah T. Harris funny thing is I no longer even see my comment in the thread anymore, seems to have been removed. Because in many ways, we just don't deserve the privilege. and for that very reason Christan's are held accountable for any hypocrisy behavior. It took the Quran for me. Don't fall on my faith, oh (I won't) Don't fall on my fate (Line 'em up!) Quite a bit of irony huh? Thus the perpetuation of claims by them and the career path that has evolved over time within the religion/theism itself and their institutions. That's your ignorance showing. You are so brainwashed that you would even force your own REAL nephew to swallow this bullshit. Though they are a little more the average racist. Ah no. You did not have to mention Christianity. There is no need for religion, god belief, any belief, drugs, alcohol, or smoking. religion is nothing but brainwashing. Jody Javiera Andrew Hey Jody. LOL ok im saying there is no God, "Hes even gone as far as to compare religion to slavery, stating: 'A black Christian is like a black person with no memory.' Contribute to Atlanta Black Star today and help us share our narratives. How do Samuel Jackson, credits himself from no longer being a crack-head? And while I'm an atheist myself, Chris Rock can have a seat. only a fool says in his heart, "there is no God." So how did we get Jesus? If you continue reading it then says that Ham's descendants will be leaders of great nations. His third solo. Those who are very well educated should be those to testify that there is a God. he's also a fairy tale character in the bible. Let me ask a question: Why would your god create Satan in the first place? Fiction is fiction and not amount of belief can ever make it real. You're just arrogant and bigoted. Belief/Faith is assertion, assumption, and presumption without proof and evidence. That 2nd quote goes to show the hypocrisies & contradictions that is Christianity as rooted in scriptures. You clearly haven't read the bible at all that's why you don't realize it is fiction. Masked Wolf is a lyrically-lyrical type, a rapper with a whole lot of technical skill and very little noticeable personality. 24Then God said, Let the earth bring forth living creatures after their kind: cattle and creeping things and beasts of the earth after their kind; and it was so.25God made the beasts of the earth after their kind, and the cattle after their kind, and everything that creeps on the ground after its kind; and God saw that it was good. SighHow dare the writer of this article turn his/her nose up at people. If He didn't get his way we would all be trying to be Jews right now. I only concern myself with believers. And He has a Son name Jesus! The lord giveth and taketh away because he is both god & devil alike. God bless you'll! I have wanted to create something like this where all religions come together along with a panel of anthropologists, scientists, geologists, Indigenous Spiritualists, Metaphysicians, Cosmologists, etc. There is nothing wrong with that.. Don't lose your life and soul based on pleasing friends family, or anybody besides God. Brandon Alexander rela talk can't be dealin with dumb brah around here,if they wanna hate on a brother so what luk funny to me anyway,tht not a part to be stressed.i believe in.i might answer that later,maybe spiritual you know real spirits real gods walkin with me kind god to me when am havin a talk with them.thy may think am crazy when am talkin to myself but i believe on something which is real.thy became gods even though the not with us anymore. Instead I man up and face my problems head on myself (or with the support of family and friends), with my feet planted firmly in reality. You really do sound ridiculous! if you personally "know your savior" then personally show the world some proof. Choice that others make and love them. I failed to see the logic so I didn't believe. It's not what we do. No falsehood can approach it from before it or after it. Yes, humans existed before there was a such thing as "g/God." Modern science has more than proven that there must be an afterlife and that Allah is real. Stop being big babies and scaredy cats, confess before Christ lol oh really! It's like every other theism/religion. One of the biggest tricks the devil ever played was convincing gullible people that God don't exist. Riight on!! After the flood it says that Ham (Noah's black son) would be servant to his brothers and that is what whites used to justify slavery. I know the truth. Fact is they were told by the slave master what to believe for so long it became ingrained in their psyche. It is just stupid for a black person to worship a white Jesus. America itself is on a serious decline so what you people are talking does not make any damn sense. I want to be at this Conference! Continue stooping even lower although you are already low with your ignorance and bigotry fully displayed in real time all over this thread. Again, enjoy your psychosis. I just don't believe in religion or those nonsense things. You love projecting don't you. The ABS staff need a lesson in journalistic neutrality. Forever writing epistles of how "blinded" people who believe in God are! Everything that they are talking about confirms everything Jesus Christ mentioned before he was crucified. It should be an IT! He loves you . I want to describe myself based on what I *do* believe rather than what I *do not* believe. Regardless of theological theories or belief in miracles, there is no point in disagreement against that. there are far more black atheists than will admit cuz inour community you are persona non grata unless u drink the jesus juice, calling on gawd sure help all of our black ancestors, sure helped all of those jews during the holocaust and it sure helped all of those racist, bircher, christian baggers get mccain/palin elected lol I have more faith in the church of the flying spaghetti monster. Its like all of their preaching and teaching goes in one ear and right out the other. Now, the lie detector determines that is a lie. Confess you sin and he will accept you now. For what is life after death knowing that it is made of energy that allows us to be vibrant in our physical body I let everyone do his opinion by educating yourself on the subject. Allah proves Himself with His words, for without them we would have no knowledge of Allah. That was Satan's mistake and it got him kicked out of Paradise. You are. Christianity spreads love? What do you think Christy is wearing (pun intended)? Lol. You meditation would serve you much better in the midst of prayer to Allah. but look around. It is when you break through whatever religion you serve and make your life profound in a metaphysical and spiritual way beyond the earthly physical realms of course you can not believe. Not me. does it make me look fat? You can argue it all you want, but the truth of the matter is, there WILL be a second coming of Jesus Christ and what is happening in the world today is leading up to his return. The same Century Jesus lived in. Ebony A. Utley wrote a book called "Rap and Religion: Understanding the Gangsta's God," which looked at how different rappers interpret and feel about God. Ramadon Furgan, Actually you need to re-read that scripture because if a fool gets the fact that there is no god, then clearly it doesn't make people like you smart. Again nothing from nothing leaves nothing you dam fool. No one can prove another person's belief as it is a feeling, an emotion that's different for everyone, Carl B Grant, I never said there was no god, creator or source. Additionally, I'm not your sister. However, "The God" does exist. It enslaves your brain completely like a virus or parasite. Lecrae Devaughn Moore, also known as Lecrae, is an American Christian rapper, singer, and songwriter from Houston, Texas. Therefore, location, economic status, social upbringing, environment, education, individual drive, the choices you make, along with many other factors & influences will ultimately determine whether or not your life will be one of "fulfillment or misery." Arrogance is telling someone who has experienced that phenomenal change in their life that they are wrong. The Prophet Muhammad was taught by Allah how to perfect that way of life and that is what Islam is. Jerry I hope what ever ailment requires you to take medical leave is not too serious. How? FAITH!!! Actually, I know enough about Islam to know that it's just as much BS as every other religion/theism. Then exclaim that in all CAPS! Jesus himself practice the religion of Judaism. You don't even know what the scientific method or critical thinking is. Worshiping GOD has nothing to do with religion, and everything to do with "Spirituality"..That's why so many of y'all are so lostSAD, Cheryl Welch-Walker ..God saids, "Study to show thy self approved~2 Timothy 2:15 KJV "He doesn't call it "Home Work"..Seems to me that, your the person that gets a failing grade in "The Home Work" department;-(, Bert Lundblad .You, will know the "Truth" when you die, but it will be too late to change your mind at that pointYou need to accept him before you passSo Sad:-(, Kamilah T. Harris "Oh ye of little faith~Matthew 8:26" He's not, as you say, "Sky Daddy", that's why you and so many others have it wrong"He lives in you" once you accept him..I feel for youSo Sad . @ Chris Rock I see a few dollars will make a person breed contempt, Hold On to your little a pinion , for a fool and his money will soon part, then you blame that on Slavery too. It was part of their mental and emotional enslavement. Drop religion, the bible and god and be a proper human being for your nephew. I really like Beautiful Eulogy. Why do you need to call out to a made up deity when the trials of life come calling????? I hope you find your faith. Then I have to remind myself that I don't f*cking believe in hell. It's contrary to you and has been for centuries. Another lasting difference between us and the Abrahamic faiths is that we see this time as a beginning of a new era whereas they were seeing the last 14 years as an end to the world. @kamilah, I just realized you are not the "kamilah" I thought you were. How can a being exist without a place/time to exist in? Kamilah T. Harris And they do it so naturally too. All y'all done lost y'all's mind! You can have your own beliefs (no matter how ridiculous they are) and be entitled to them but you are not entitled to your own "facts." Most black peopleespecially entertainers, come from a Christian background. We don't care what you, any other Christian, or anybody else theist thinks, period. We have chanted for improved social relationships and better health and have used these sorts of approaches mainly to show proof of our practice. 2) No. Lisa, did you mark my response as spam?! I learned Jesus for myself, not behind a man! Where when and how was all that is in the universe originate? I detest black people like you. The biggest trick ever played by a group of rich, powerful people was to convince the dumbed down, gullible masses that there is a big "sky man who made it all, and this sky man wants you to remain completely devoid of freethinking in any way. What are you gonna do if he really comes back. 8 people who know how to "think" for themselves and look beyond a religious book to give them morals , *Cheers* to them. Nothing new and Jerry Lindsey is correct. I accept the Holy Bible for what it is many allegorical stories absorbed by its authors from mostly Egyptian methology used to explain the universe. It actually helps the planet. Trying to differentiate with words and phrasing like "relationship with God" is all tactic. Assertion w/out evidence/proof existing or supporting your claims. Don't fall for the myth that imperialists brought Christianity to Africa, Christianity was in Africa specifically Ethiopia in the 1st Century. Sharon Mulamba why cant anyone religious speak from heart? Just because a person is not "religious" doesn't mean that they aren't Spiritual in any kind of wayYes he is right by saying he work hard to achieve his success. He deserves a good bunch in the dick for letting children in Africa and India starve to death. Allah was created by the very man/men who wrote the Quran. I'm very concerned at the fact that these are painted so negatively. Jody Javiera Andrew To simply say, "Look around you" is a cop-out because you're seeking an answer that is immediate & most convenient for you, as opposed to researching for one that is based on reality. Period. Sensitive. If you already know this concept, then how can you look at your magnificent potential as a person, then hand it over to someone else and let them tell YOU what to believe based on THEIR experience (or from hear-say) and then allow them to instill so much fear into you that you are afraid to out-grow their philosophy? This is regardless of faith/theism/religion. Very mature of you to resort to name calling those that think for themselves. Keep believing. The supposed act of God cursing black folks is not even in the Bible. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. So, just because you claim it so, doesn't make it so. Side note, I love this discussion and I love to see that people are starting to be more courageous and standing up for what they believe, even if their views are unpopular. It's tax-free because it is a religion. You honestly have no clue. The only one possessed is you and people like you. Dennis Petty no unless he changed recently. He is now a devout and very vocal Atheist advocate and activist. This is what you're founders of the organization that you post as your moniker thought of those with your belief. This bullshit call out to a made up deity when the trials of life come calling??. 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rappers that don't believe in god