phrases that sound dirty but aren't

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What am I? By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. Definitely not what it sounds like, peniaphobia is actually the fear of poverty. If you blow me, it feels really good. 30. Both men and women go down on me. 58. These are the quandaries that make you ask yourself questions like, Who am I? 11. Its name was adopted into English from Hebrew in the early Middle Ages, but it can probably be traced all the way back to an Ancient Egyptian word for a thorn-tree. A fukmast, ultimately, is a ships foremast, while the fuksheet or fuksail is the sail attached to the ships fukmast. What is super hard and goes into a tiny hole? Im known as a big swinger. 34. 62. Que: I start with a p and ends with o-r-n, and Im a major player in the film industry. You tie me down to get me up. Uvula a fleshy extension at the back of the soft palate which hangs above the throat. What am I? 48. What am I? Que: Whats most useful when its long and hard? What is it? Whos the most popular girl at the nudist colony? Donald Trumps is small. What is six inches long, sweet on the lips, and goes down better with butter? Here's a Top 10 list of phrases you might here on AZ that sound dirty but aren't. (and yes, I'm a little bored). I don't want cock-a-leekie, I don't like cock-a-leekie, I like cress, so take that back to the kitchen and tell them there's one more order for the cress soup, now there's a laddie. |-- DU Groups I really got a kick out of this..Your hubby definitely had some idle time on his hands! Why is a happy sex life like a good steak? What holds your buns firmly and makes them look round and pretty? Expressions that Sound Dirty but Aren't; Least-Known Norman Rockwell Paintings; Bigfoot's Top Ten Pet Peeves; Top Ten Soldier Pet Peeves; Top Ten Elf Complaints; Top Ten Things Overheard at the Moscow McDonald's; Top Ten X-Mas Movies at Times Square; Top Ten Reasons Lois Lane is Dumping Superman Rump. Sometimes people l*ck my nuts. 17. Tittup to move with jerky or exaggerated movements. What am I? 32. Phrases like "Jumping the Turnstyle" or "Tethering the Blimp" which sound like they mean something sexual but actually don't mean anything. Que: What three-letter word starts with an s, ends with x, and has a vowel in the middle? Are you hinting my apples aren't what they ought to be? What is it? What is it? What is it? According to a Tudor dictionary published in 1552, a clatterfart is someone who "wyl disclose anye light secreate"in other words, its a gossip or blabbermouth. This word used to belong to butchers. Its one of a family of late 18thearly 19th century Scots words all of similar meaning, including perjinkity, perskeety, and, most familiar of all, pernickety. Its a fun thing to do and you devote a significant amount of energy to thinking about it, but you hate knowing that your parents are doing it. Thieves' Cant: A 400-Year Old Secret Language. The best dirty riddles are the ones that arent really dirty but designed to make you feel like a total deviant for even thinking the punchline was sexual (when it was really something like plate). "au jus" is not a type of sauce, in spite of what you might read on luncheonette menus! The anal part makes is as dirty as can be! Top Ten Golf Phrases That Sound Dirty But Aren't All Spiritual Signs & Inspirational Signs, TV Stands, Media Tables, & Media Furniture, The Most Important Things In Life Aren't Things. We may not share it with others but it can make us laugh. What three-letter word starts with an s, ends with x, and has a vowel in the middle? These Units Have Real Value. An expensive piece of tail, I come with a large pair. What am I? Also, you can make anything sound dirty by following this equation: "I'll _verb_ your _noun_." Just use after any sentence. Here's a Top 10 list of phrases you might here on AZ that sound dirty but aren't.. (and yes, I'm a little bored) 10) Bump your thread 9) This is my wife's Titlist 8) First $100 in my PP gets it 7) I like a thick butt 6) Yes, I've seen your. Que: What does a dog do that a man steps into? According to one 19th-century glossary of industrial slang, a fanny-blower or fanner was "used in the scissor-grinding industry," and comprised "a wheel with vanes, fixed onto a rotating shaft, enclosed in a case or chamber to create a blast of air." |-- Topic Forums What is it? RELATED: 100+ Hard Riddles That Will Make You Think Twice. |-- Places I get wet before you do. 64. Why is a mans voice louder than a womans? Words That Sound Dirty but Arent. Very funny!! Enjoy your time with your friends by sharing these Dirty Mind Jokes. 40. Dirty Golf Sayings | top ten golf phrases that sound dirty or, Help, I'm lost! Software has been extensively modified by the DU administrators. You can try to find the answer to these riddles and laugh out loud. What does a man have that begins with P and gets bigger if its properly stimulated? 16. Over 1,000 people went down on me. 2023 The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers on this website. But when you utter this word in English speaking countries, everybody turns their heads around. Ill fill your holes when you ask me to. Hilarious Quotation Mark Fails. Whats long and hard and has the word cum in it? -. |-- The DU Lounge No censorship here, and you might even pick up some Scrabble words along the way -- or at least a list of words to feed your dirty mind. 9. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Pusillanimous is most likely the derivation of one of the definitions of pussy (as in wimpy though). Get in the hole! 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Like the aholehole, the bummalo is another tropical fish, in this case a southeast Asian lizardfish. Something really big and hard ripped me open. A sexfoil is ultimately a six-leaved plant or flower, or a similarly shaped architectural design or ornament incorporating six leaves or lobes. A cock-bell can be a small handbell, a type of wildflower that grows in the spring, and an old English dialect word for an icicle. You tie me down to get me up. 22. Succotash an American dish of corn and lima beans cooked together. Sometimes, giant balls hang from me. Janik D from Dresden, Germany on December 01, 2013: Very good and entertaining. Pianist a person who plays the piano. Que: What is six inches long, two inches wide, and everyone goes crazy over? "Tony and I shagged all night," and it isn't even the slightest bit obscene. Sometimes, I drip a little. To grope a gull is an old Tudor English expression meaning "to take advantage of someone," or "to swindle an unsuspecting victim"and a gullgroper does just that. Que: How do you make five pounds of fat look good? 40. You stick your poles inside me. This is the case for many other Swedish words such as "fart" (speed), "prick" (small dot), and "Fack" (small compartment). Best Guide For Lucky Patcher: What Is It? I have a mission tomorrow - try to spead the word about this funny hub to all of my friends. Messages posted on the Democratic Underground Discussion Forums are the 60. Sometimes, I drip a little. 39. Uvula - The little hangy ball in the back of your throat, Tentacles - The appendages of an octopus or squid, Peacock - A kind of bird, known for large, colorful rear plumage, Penal Colony - A settlement of exiled peoples, Rebuttal - A statement or evidence given, to contradict a previously implied notion, Pro Bono - Free, derived from Latin, meaning for the public good, Subpoena A legal document, summoning witnesses to court, Titillated - stimulated by touch, or tickled, or excited, Diction - The use of words in speech or writing, Tittle - The dot on top of the lowercase letters i and j. The guy who can carry a cup of coffee in each hand, plus a dozen donuts. 42. The Most Incredible Slang of the '90s. I go in hard, come out soft, and you love to blow me. Steve Lensman from Manchester, England on August 15, 2011: UltimateMovieRankings from Virginia on August 15, 2011: Very interesting, funny and informative hub..your husband did not waste time if one person can learn something from his can count me as at least one person that learned something..voted up and funny. What am I? "That teabag was actually better the second time around." Image: Giphy 2. ( shame on me)don't ask which one I liked, instead read some of my poetry and then try to guess. 45. Courtesy of my husband, then, here are 13 Rugby Phrases That Sound Dirty But Aren't. The scrum screwed more than 90 degrees. I come in a lot of different sizes. I grow in a bed, first white then red, and the plumper I get, the better women like me. Fun, right? My Forums, Powered by DCForum+ Version 1.1 Copyright 1997-2002 I discharge loads from my shaft. I thought that u screw the cue ball to kiss the pink. Que: I come in a lot of different sizes. Que: You cant taste it unless you undress it. 47. Real Definition: French writer and a founder of the realist school of fiction who portrayed the panorama of French society in a body of works known collectively as La Comdie Humaine. Very interesting. 71. JavaScript is disabled. 47. Whats beautiful and natural but gets long and prickly if it isnt trimmed regularly? You should see the looks you get from passersby when you ask that question. 4. While exploring the coast of Virginia in 1606, Captain John Smith (of Pocahontas fame) wrote in his journal of a creature known to local tribes as the assapanick. This will throw your friends off and fill them with guilt and shame for ever thinking the punchline was vagina. What am I? What am I? . Spread your legs a little more. Whos the most popular guy at the nudist colony? Life-Changing Sentences from Folks on Twitter. What am I? His efforts made for an interesting and FUNNY hub!! Sometimes, I drip a little. . gesh. What am I? The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. What is it? When listed on Indian menus, it goes by the slightly more appetizing name of Bombay duck.. It takes its name from the village of Aktash in eastern Russia, where it was first discovered in 1968. Click Here are nine examples of English words and phrases that sound wrong, but simply aren't. Literally. Aholehole is pronounced "ah-holy-holy," and is the name of a. Mukluk a soft boot worn by Eskimos. Here at Gudstory, we focus on delivering our readers with the latest information about everything. 37. You truly enjoy this when you spread it. Nodgecock, like lobcock, is another Tudor word for a fool or simpleton. 27. Tit-boreor tit-bore-tat-bore in fullis a 17th-century Scots name for a game of peekaboo. The offload went forward and in to touch. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. What am I? 10. 25. 43. A bumfiddler is someone who does precisely that. 1. TMApsey (author) from Wisconsin, USA on August 14, 2011: Thanks! 44. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. Some people prefer being on top, others prefer being on the bottom, and it always involves a bed. Panini a sandwich made with Italian bread, usually toasted. The best man always has me first. 5. Who would've thought to write such an interesting Hub! Fach is a difficult word to forget. Que: What does every woman have that starts with a v that she can use to get what she wants? Are there more "coming.". By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Sextuple consisting of six parts or things. Manhole a small covered opening in a floor, pavement, or other surface to allow a person to enter, especially an opening in a city street leading to a sewer. Cookie Notice romania bank holidays 2023. 34. Arnold Schwarzeneggers is big. 22. Here is a list of 44 words or phrases, that my husband compiled over a few months of unemployment, and complete and utter lack of anything better to do with his time, seemingly, that sound dirty, but are completely innocent! Grossest Words to Hear Out Loud. Dirty talk challenge: list words that sound naughty, but are just English words. (Even ones who are straight. The name skiddy-cock is thought to be derived from skit, a 17th-century word meaning "to act shyly," or "to move rapidly and quickly"but it could just as probably be derived from an even older 15th century word, skitter, meaning "to produce watery excrement. Or, Who have I become? What am I? That piece is called a "bang tail"! Que: You stick your poles inside me. Both men and women go down on me. Your email address will not be published. |-- Political Videos What gets longer if pulled, fits snugly between breasts, slides neatly into a hole, chokes people when used incorrectly, and works well when jerked? Try saying the following three times fast. But now it makes us picture a human posterior in all of its glory as opposed to a cut of animal meat. Enough with the argy-bargy. 56. I've heard of hancock, but this one is worse. What is it? 15. Sheep farmers in some rural parts of Britain once had their own traditional counting systems, many of which are particularly ancient and predate even the Norman and Anglo-Saxon invasions of England. Sometimes a finger goes inside me. 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Only a dirty mind can make a good thing into bad. Rump. A very small-minded person with a cowardly spirit then, sounds . Carrie Smith from Dallas, Texas on August 15, 2011: This is a very entertaining post, and I learned something new. Que: Im spread out before being eaten. In early 19th century English, boxers were nicknamed nobbers, a name apparently derived from the earlier use of nobber as a slang term for a punch or blow to the head. Pakapoo is a 19th-century Australian word for a lottery or raffle. What does a dog do that a man steps into? ha ha some many that I had either not heard of or forgotten, thanks for the laugh! Try choking donw on the shaft. The funny thing about living in a world with roughly 7,000 spoken languages is that inevitably, speakers of one language will hear a word in a completely different language and think, "Hehe, that person just said 'butt.'" Words that sound dirty to speakers of another language are often completely innocuous, even boring, terms in their native context. My father-in-law was a dealer for a line of farm equipement in the 70's and he had an Erection Manual that told him how to assemble the machinery out of the crate. Angina chest pain on the left side associated, usually, with exercise. The best part about getting older is enjoying lascivious content we would have gotten in trouble for back in high school. PG-13 Insults That Still Sting. ", In 19th century English, a slagger was a workman in a blast furnace whose job it was to siphon off the stony waste material, or slag, that is produced when raw metals and ores are melted at high temperatures. 2. Penal. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Whats at least six inches long, goes in your mouth, and is more fun when it vibrates? Thank you for disseminating it and creating such interesting intercourse! How about mufti? A nestle-cock is the last bird to hatch from a clutch of eggs. Angina - Chest pain caused by poor blood circulation, Depository - A place where things of value deposited for safekeeping, Septum - A thin membrane that separates two cavities of the body, Penal Code - A legal document containing laws and regulations of a certain subject, Erector Set - A brand of construction toy popular in America, Virginia - A state on the eastern coast of the United States of America, Master Debater - One who can defeat others in debate, Analgesic - A medication that reduces pain, Homo Erectus - An extinct human-like species of mammals, Anal Retentive - A term used to describe a control freak, Venus - The second planet from the sun in the Milky Way galaxy, Cockpit - The control deck of a flying vehicle, Shuttlecock - A projectile used in the game of badminton, Tight End - An offense position in American football, Blue Footed Booby - A kind of bird known for its blue feet. You are using an out of date browser. I know what it means. What are they? 6. 14. 35. 5. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. The fly half laid down a perfect grubber. guile sounds like geil in German, which means "horny". Vote up the raunchy sounding words that make you chuckle the most. 33. You can test your friends through this. Sometimes when we see or hear some things we may instantly get a dirty joke. 8. Derived from bastn, the Spanish word for a cane or walking stick, bastinado is an old 16th century word for a thrashing or caning, especially on the soles of the feet. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University. Staying with furnaces, a tease-hole is simply the opening in a glassmakers furnace through which the fuel is added. Top ten phrases that I've heard or read (on AZB) that sounded dirty but aren't. 10) I use cue slik to make my shaft super slippery. |-- Latest Breaking News kiss means . Im the highlight of many dates. cool sounds like cul, which means "butt" in French and Catalan. Invagination is simply the process of putting something inside something else (and in particular, a sword into a scabbard), or else is the proper name for turning something inside out. You need to adjust your grip. Pusillanimous - showing a lack of courage or determination; timid. It bends a little to the left. Titular holding or constituting a purely formal position or title without any real authority. The prefix sexa is derived from the Latin word for "six" rather than its Greek equivalent, heks. board, visitors agree to abide by the rules outlined on our Rules But now it makes us picture a human posterior in all of its glory as opposed to a cut of animal meat. You get a lot of it if youre important and successful; you get less when youre just starting out. But if you can easily find the answers then you have a dirty mind. This word used to belong to butchers. Im long, hard, and I point up. Im known as a big swinger. 38. 26. | ContactUs | PrivacyPolicy. These would be real good for scrable. 18. Tether was an old Lake District name for the number three, while dick was the number ten; tetheradick, ultimately, was a count of 13. Formication the sensation of bugs crawling on your skin. You have to blow it to play with it. I come with a quiver. Cockpit a compartment for the pilot. don't grip the butt too tight, and rough up the tip before you hit the balls. Que: Name a word that starts with f and ends with u-c-k? 59. The stories that we cover specialize in a wide niche which includes News, Lifestyle, Fashion, Entertainment, Technology, and Women. 8) He'll be in great shape if he can move his balls over a little! every one of my clubs has a stiff shaft because I generate a lot of head speed. 24. Thanks for the smileSome of those are great. 17. . This list first ran in 2015 and was republished in 2019. Rfos512/Youtube Spermophile - A terrestrial burrowing rodent; ground squirrel. Features: Size: 3.5x10 inches Made from solid knotty pine Routed slot in back for hanging plus flat edges for optional shelf-sitting. I have a stiff shaft. Sawdust City LLC. We have a threesome, care to join us? You don't need to actual phrases to sound smart. What is soft and wet on the inside while hard and hairy on the outside? 36. THESPIAN - An actor. 31. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. It can also be used as a verb meaning "to deforest," or preparing wooded land for farming. 50. What do you wrap your mouth around every morning and night that leaves you feeling refreshed? Especially words that are fun to say because they sound like obscenities. Kumquat an orange-like fruit related to the citruses, with an edible sweet rind and acid pulp. and our 8 mo. It was once also called hitty-titty, as was, incidentally, hide and go seek. 15. Woodcock a woodland bird of the sandpiper family, with a long bill, brown camouflaged plumage, and a distinctive display flight. 23. List of 9 Best iPhone Cleaner Apps For You. Philately the collection and study of postage stamps. :-). These are the quandaries that make you ask yourself questions like, Who am I? 28. 29. 68. Keep your head down. uncorrectedvision from Indiana on August 27, 2011: You forgot the Grande Tetons and Volvo. What am I? Anal Retentive! One time talking about my [old] putter grip I said "I feel like I just have two hands on the bare shaft". 43. What am I? Que: You stick your poles inside me. Hilarious! Honest. Poop deck the aftermost and highest deck of a ship. I get wet before you do. One that sounds even closer to the dirtiest of all dirty words is Fakt. But doesn't it sound dirty?? Puss is an innocent and beautiful Swedish word that means a kiss on the cheek. Features: Size: 3.5x10 inches Made from solid knotty pine Routed slot in back for hanging plus flat edges Full Text: Please do not drop your cigarette butts on the ground. What To Do If iPhone Keeps Restarting Itself? Thanks! A sexagesm, ultimately, is one-sixtieth of something. 7. It may not display this or other websites correctly. When I go in, I can cause some pain. The bigger I am, the louder you scream. Woodpecker - A kind of bird, guess what it does? Its definitely possible for them to be too long. `` au jus '' is not a type of sauce, in this case a southeast Asian.. Of what you might read on luncheonette menus and natural but gets long and hard that piece is a! The 60 speaking countries, everybody turns their heads around his balls over a little bored ) dog do a! Tiny hole, instead read some of my friends these are the that! Partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business without... 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Spirit then, sounds january graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University highest deck of ship... Name a word that means a kiss on the cheek or ornament incorporating six leaves or lobes the opening a... The Latin word for a lottery or raffle s, ends with u-c-k posterior in phrases that sound dirty but aren't. Pussy ( as in wimpy though ) an s, phrases that sound dirty but aren't with,! When we see or hear some things we may not share it with others but can.

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phrases that sound dirty but aren't