new hire orientation icebreakers

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Asking "How is everyone?" Sorry, this content is unavailable due to your privacy settings. (For larger groups, you can split them up into smaller groups.). Gradually people will be made to exit the mingling space or find a seat until the last person standing wins. You might be interested in the following resources:Calculate onboarding ROI using ourOnboarding Cost CalculatorLearn about our22 Mind-Blowing Onboarding StatisticsWhy Digitisation Is Changing Onboarding and EngagementOur Recommended 42 Essential Onboarding Questions for New Hires. Have everyone popcorn to someone else after their turn, or go alphabetically. Each student will go to one side of the room based on their preference. Everyone will have an allotted time to fill out several categories with words that start with a single letter. It also allows the whole team to get any exciting news or stressful issue off their chest. In his popular TED Talk, Tom Wujec from Autodesk explains the power and value of an intriguing icebreaker game called The Marshmallow Challenge. Teams are given a handful of dry spaghetti, a yard of tape, a yard of string, and a marshmallow and tasked with building the highest tower. Ask all the students to recite the alphabet until you say stop. This activity requires a little more preparation but the results are worth it to see teams work together to problem solve in a fun way. Each team gets their own scene to act out, so come prepared with a few options! Here are a few "Would You Rather" questions to get you started: Accomplishments Before 18 is an engaging and unique way to encourage team members to share fun or interesting stories with one another. The host of the game can choose from topics as broad as foods and countries or as weird as Things Granny would say.. They must find other employees who can check off one other bingo squares by signing a square that applies to them. For this icebreaker, have everyone on your team go around and share a word or phrase that represents how they feel that day. Form the group into a circle then have them all introduce themselves. Separate your students into groups of 4-5. Then, have each group create a chain by linking arms. Get your colleagues in a circle and ask one volunteer to sit or stand in the middle. If anyone shows their teeth, they are out. Whoever guesses correctly gets bragging rights. I listened to feedback and tried to incorporate it into better ice breakers. Instruct the group to find three different students in the room that they share something in common with. And lets face it, youve been trying to find the right opportunity to show someone you could lick your elbow for a while now. It is natural for new employees to feel nervous, especially when they are faced with a mountain of new information and faces they have to learn in their first week. This continues until everyone has had a turn. In your next Zoom meeting, tell everyone to send the leader a cute (or hilarious) photo from their childhood and randomly throw them all into one slideshow. The facilitator will read from a list of prompts (you can write your own for your group or you can use a pre-written one) and the designated tappers will lightly touch the shoulder of the people who the statement applies to. However, there are several new employee orientation games that are even more fun with a big group. Begin by having all the players sit in a circle. Planning new hire ice breakers can be simpler when smaller teams are involved. Learn how we can help get your students involved. Before orientation begins, the orientation staff will create bingo cards that describe individuals and their experiences. To grease the wheels of this activity, hand out a list of sample questions for participants to ask each other. Once everyone has their song in mind, have someone compile either a Youtube or Spotify playlist of everyones choices, and share the link with everyone in the group afterward. This is when the group leader can discuss the importance of each person in a team or group. One by one, each player will enter the scene, assume a frozen position, and describe what role they play in the overall scene (i.e. Even better, aim to get there 15 minutes early to make a lasting impression. Someone can either lead by example, showcasing some arm and back stretches, or just let everyone freestyle. This continues until only a few students are left. The team whoreturns to the rendezvous point the soonest (with the most correct finds) wins. Repeat this using the left hand, except holding the hand of a different player than before. (We dont recommend trying this with Laurel/Yanny, just as a word of warning). each student will help craft a story, one word at a time. Once everyone is done making their airplanes, have everyone fly their planes across the room. The partner to smile or laugh first must sit down. The game is simple, each team member is presented with two options in the form of the question: "Would you rather?" Then, haveeach student pull one sticky noteout of the bowl and complete the sentence that they find (i.e. Two truths and a lie is always a terrific way to learn fun The poem must have their name and something about themselves and be a minimum of six lines. It felt like exactly what it was: organized fun. This pattern continues until eventually, everyones arms will be linked into one gigantic chain. Find someone who has worked for the company ten years or longer, Find someone whose favorite color is pink. Example: Would you rather wear only Louis Vuitton or Gucci?. Once all the slips are collected, someone will draw one out of the bowl and read to the rest of the players whats on the slip. Share the link from the URL bar with your colleagues. I bet anyone who watched Squid Games in 2021 is familiar with this game, and if you havent, the rules are simple (and the stakes are much, much lower.). Then add this twist to make the game more challenging and meaningful, dont allow them to note physical or visual similarities. Movie fanatics across any team or department will enjoy questions about them. Designate a team member ahead of time to share their popular or unpopular opinion. WebA thoughtfully crafted employee orientation process will streamline the onboarding process and leave your new employee feeling ready and motivated in their new job. Sign up for our free cloud-based employee onboarding and engagement solution. Some can be as simple as "Would you rather", "2 Truths and a Lie", "Team Scavenger Hunt", or "Favorite Animal". For more information, check out our, 70 Fun (Not Cheesy) Ice Breaker Games & Activities Your Team Will Enjoy in 2023, Pop up for FREE COMPANY CULTURE CODE TEMPLATE,, presented his Marshmallow Challenge at TED. Once they have been given their materials, set a timer and get ready to build! Continue this until the last person in the circle repeats everyones name and favorite hobby, including their own. An alternative to the partner introduction that will still serve to help your recruits get to know each other better is the icebreaker game Ten Things in Common. Again, youll want to split your group into pairs. The best ice breakers have the power to strengthen coworker bonds, stimulate better brainstorming sessions, and create an atmosphere of inclusivity. Poll Everywhere can help you make your orientation even more special. Make sure you keep track of how many you get right! Youll also get brownie points if you save and share some of the funniest drawings and share them with the team on Slack afterward. This icebreaker game will have everyone thinking on their feet. Every player will write their name on a slip of paper backward, fold it, and place it into a bowl. When joining a new work environment, it can be hard to fit in when your coworkers have already cultivated a relationship of their own. While this one wont reveal a lot of information about your team members, its a fun activity that will lead to a lot of laughs. Once everyone has selected a frame, they will begin searching for the other students with the same comic strip. In this article we wanted to discuss how to get your employees engaged. Its your choice! Bonus points if you can learn the names of those who you relate to, and brownie points if you can relay all their names when asked. Make sure to go over each clue with your group afterward so that they know what they missed and where to find it next time. Just like your first day of school as a kid, your college orientation can be awkward and uncomfortable, leaving you praying that you wont be asked to introduce yourself in front of everyone. This ice breaker lets individuals ease up and have a little fun without a hassle. This is like that but a little less embarrassing. When the orientation leader says go the first person will tap on the shoulder of the student in front of them and act out the prompt. The winner goes to the end of their lineand the other person sits out for the rest of the game. Place a map and a set of pins at the front of a large conference room before a big meeting. Example: Would you rather have super speed or super strength?. Then, you can choose a featured trivia game to play. Planning a few new hire orientation games will help you break up those mundane to-dos while encouraging your team members to get to know each other and forge some beneficial bonds. The hybrid work solution that enables audience engagement through live, inclusive conversations across organizations. Once everyone is finished, switch up the groups. Once thats complete, every player will then ask each other yes or no questions about the traits, recent news, or talents of their celebrity label. Building a community within the office helps foster productivity, collaboration, and a better team dynamic. Before a meeting, simply go around the room, and ask each person to share one accomplishment they had before they turned 18. HubSpot uses the information you provide to us to contact you about our relevant content, products, and services. There are several fun onboarding icebreakers to choose from but the best ones are the ones where new hires get to share information about themselves and employees and teams get to know each other better. - Have the facilitator give each employee a clue that refers to each item on the list. Break the group off into pairs and give them some time to get to know one another. It helps to create an environment of trust and support within the team, allowing the new Let your team know ahead of time that youll be doing this activity. Steps in Making the New Hire WelcomeBegin the process before the new person starts work. Make sure that key coworkers know the employee is starting and encourage them to come to say "hello" before orientation begins. Assign a mentor or buddy, to show the new person around, make introductions, and start training. Start with the basics. More items Improve your team's morale by hosting an online scavenger hunt. Second, they encourage conversation on topics typically reserved for outside the office, which enables members of your team to get to know one another on a deeper level. It sounds crazy, but its easy to get into the flow of it. Instruct your group to gather in a circle and pick a theme. Bingo Board This activity is particularly effective at getting people to talk to 2. The next person repeats those two words and adds their own and so on. That student will stand or sit in the middle of the circle, introduce themselves, and share one thing about themselves. Even if you think you already know your team well, youre bound to be surprised. The first personsays zip and points to another member of the group, whothen says zap and points to someone else. Once everyone has their three statements ready, one student will be picked to go first. All the remaining individuals find a new partner and continueuntil there is one winner. In this icebreaker game, have everyone write 10 facts about themselves on paper and place them each into their own envelopes. This icebreaker works by asking your coworkers to choose one of their favorite songs from a certain genre. Have everyone divide into two teams, and have one player at a time pantomime (act out) the subject for their own respective teammates. Make sure to take a selfie with the place or object in view! Whisper Down the Lane is an icebreaker game where team members form a larger circle and share a random message whispered into the ear of someone to their left. Theyre a great way to set your new team members up for success and to give them great memories of their first day of work. Then, put the pieces of paper into a hat and mix them around. Even if your coworkers arent tuned into NYFW, theyre sure to recognize some of the most popular clothing brands. The person next to them repeats that word, while also adding another word that somehow links to the first (like big hippo). This refers to something they look forward to in the future. Pull from the hat and read each fact. Use a Sharpie and write on a beach ball with getting-to-know-you questions. Decide which youll do in advance, based upon the composition of the entering class. Explore more uncommon talents and see which your coworkers would like to have in this type of questionnaire. and they select which option suits them. Give the two students at the end of the line something to act out (i.e. Once they are done, have them tape it to their back. Yet, when ice breakers are done well, they can bring positive results. This shared initiative has nothing to do with their work projects. - When was the last time you got the giggles at an inappropriate time? They give people the Ask them to write a question on the piece of paper, then fold it into an airplane with their name on it. At some point, the tournament will come down to only two people, with everyone else cheering! Two Truths and a Lie is a fun and engaging game, and more importantly, it can help your team learn facts about one another, so they can begin forming deeper bonds. Icebreakers are designed to make your entire team feel comfortable in the new job, whether they are office employees or remote teams. Then have each other colleagues take turns telling the volunteer a work-appropriate joke. Your new employee orientation is typically a presentation or interactive course for your new hires to get acquainted with the company culture as well as the policies and procedures you have in place. Arrange team members in a big circle and ask for a volunteer to go first. At the start of the meeting, give everyone 5 minutes to find the item that theyd like to show (Option: Have them turn their camera off). Allow some time at the end of the meeting for your colleagues to walk up and look more closely at the map. Share either what costume youre wearing or something special about your ensemble (such as, Ive had this ugly sweater since 1999). 2006-2023 Wrike, Inc. All rights reserved. Disqus. Each team is challenged to build the tallest possible freestanding structure with the materials provided and featuring a marshmallow on top. The idea of an icebreaker may make teams feel a little hesitant, due to how mind-numbing they could be in school. At the end, have everyone show their work. Say something lovely with another team member, and it could be anything you want as long as its respectful and in good judgment. 9. Entertaining and motivating original stories to help move your visions forward. When you have a big team, even remembering everybodys name is a challenge. Would you rather only have summer or winter for the rest of your life? Have your team take turns pulling woodblocks out of your Jenga tower and share a laugh when it all comes toppling down. Icebreakers play an important role in helping new hires connect with one another and the company in their new, unfamiliar environment. Second, the Marshmallow Challenge encourages people to think quickly and offer alternative solutions when their initial idea fails. Bonus points if you ask them whether theyd label themselves as a hero or villain. We hope you found some good ice breakers to incorporate in your future meetings with our list of favorites. Think you cant pull this off with your own group? Instead of taking your new recruits on a tour of the office, let them explore their new workspace for themselves with a fun scavenger hunt. To prepare for the activity, write out 20 or so questions on slips of paper and place them in a hat or other receptacle. The Marshmallow Challenge is an activity that needs to be done in person and with everyone in the same room but it's one of the favorite physical icebreakers for promoting teamwork. If no one guesses correctly, popcorn your turn to someone else. If you're discussing company changes, for instance, maybe you'll start by quizzing team members on company history facts (e.g. Christina Perricone, former Senior Content Marketing Manager on the HubSpot blog, says this is her favorite icebreaker. Every person mingling will then have to quickly form a group in the size of the number called. Activities such as rose, thorn, and bud and a coworker scavenger hunt allow employees to get to know one another more intimately without risking professionalism. Ask them which theyd prefer to dress in and why. When throwing the ball the individual will say their name and then the person they are throwing it to. This simple game helps with memorization in an active way. Building a community within the office helps foster productivity, collaboration, With a work friend, new hires can better assimilate to their team and company as a whole. Whether its remote meetings, in-person events, or hybrid workspaces, Poll Everywhere gives your audience a voice and delivers authentic feedback at scale. Qualee is dedicated to helping you onboard new employees safely, simply, and in the most engaging way possible. Coworkers can take turns guessing which is the lie. Your goal with your new hire orientation icebreakers is to make people feel welcome, not uncomfortable. How to Organize a Team for Long-Term Remote Working, Top Tips for Hiring Remote Employees in Marketing, Online Team Building Activities Your Company Needs. Designate a team member ahead of time to lead the stretches (or lead them yourself). Make sure to take a selfie with the place or object in view! The orientation leader serves as the game master and says Im going to the supermarket to buy something that begins with the letter[pick a letter].. Have everyone vote on the corniest joke either via Zoom poll or by keeping tabs on a notepad. At the start of the meeting, give instructions for the pose team members should take (Silly? My name is Lindsey and I like lettuce and his name is Luke and he likes lemons.). Then, give them a long piece of rope or yarn, instructing each person to hold onto their piece. Keeping the ice breakers inclusive keeps everyone engaged. Each round, the game will highlight a random letter of the alphabet and let players come up with any noun or phrase that starts with said letter. Share the photo via your team messaging app and pin it for posterity. Each student will thenshow off a special skill or hidden talent that they have. To play, simply go around the room and have each person provide an answer to a fun question. Ask everyone to gather in a circle. In Tall Tales, each player will make up three sentences to add to a running story. Navigating a new workplace without a core group of friends within the office can feel isolating. Once you've passed out the bingo cards, let all the players wander around with a bingo board and pen. This final icebreaker is really more of a teambuilder, but it is a great way to practice gratitude at the end of orientation. Each orientation leader will choose comic strips with the same number of frames as the number of students in their group (so if you have 8 orientees, youll need comic strips with 8 frames). Jenga is considered a classic game for a reason, and because its easy to play and put away. The leader will give a different sentence randomly to each student. Inthis quick-moving icebreaker, you attempt to (lightly) hit another players hand quickly enough before they pull it away in one motion. You can make sure your activities dont backfire by avoiding anything that: One way to ensure your chosen icebreakers are inclusive and effective is to invite your team members to suggest them. Task each team with picking an item they would use to survive if stranded on a desert island. The group leader will read out several this or that statements, one at a time. Have your coworkers take turns showing their cool party (or office) tricks. The team that can make the tallest structure for their marshmallow to perch on wins. After a few minutes, have the group reconvene and have each student introduce the person whose plane they found with their name, the question they wrote, and what their response was. We have some good news: If youre on the lookout for a great exercise for new hires, your search is over. Why we love this new employee orientation icebreaker: Trivia is a super fun and interactive way to break the ice and allow your new hires to get to know each New school, new friends, and new experiences The idea of having to deal with these three things can be overwhelming for an incoming first-year college student. These commonalities cannot be visible (so not hair color, eye color, etc). There's information that you have to get through, and for at least part of the day, We make it simple for companies of all sizes to drive continuous engagement, gather actionable insights, and curate exciting journeys. Here are 10 icebreakers you can use at your next new hire orientation to foster teamwork and productivity: 1. Each person finds theirspot on the map that represents where theyre from. Break the students up into pairs and send them off with their list and these simple instructions: Find as many of thethings on the list as you can in the time allotted. Each student will write on a blank card with one-to-three statements about themselves. As the map fills up with pins, people will learn about how diverse their teammates might be. If another ninja is successful in hitting your hand, you must put that arm behind your back and continue with one arm. final exams, the school mascot, writing a paper, etc.). Kahoot is a trivia platform you can use for free (hosts up to 10 people). The orientation leader will post a large outline of the state or country on the wall. First impressions are important since they establish the basis for everything that follows.. You might even provide an incentive for the winning team, like a $50 Amazon gift card. The first person to get enough signatures in a row (horizontal, vertical, or diagonal) to traverse the board wins. As people walk in, ask them to place a pin where they were born or raised. If you and your team dont have a lot of opportunities to see each other face-to-face, photo sharing is a great way to increase personal connections. Proceed slide-by-slide and have team members either throw their guesses in the chat, or write their guesses privately on a notepad. 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new hire orientation icebreakers