can a leopard kill a silverback gorilla

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About Us | Contact | Privacy Policy | Fact Checking Copyright 2023, Can A Polar Bear Defeat A Lion, Tiger, Gorilla Or Grizzly Bear In. Furthermore, it is bigger and stockier, with powerful forearms that might deliver a lethal blow to the leopard. If the leopard is in a tree and gets a good solid clamp on the spine and is able to wrench out a quick neck snap, yes. The first to strike successfully wins.,juvenile%20gorilla%20was%20also%20found,, So when the leopards bite gorillas they tear them apart, the gorilla are gushing blood with slashed flesh. WebSome of the animals that could fight a gorilla include a leopard, a tiger, a lion, and a hippopotamus. Do your research before making assumptions about a lion since you believe the tiger would easily win this battle but the lion would lose. In a fight between a gorilla and a lion, they would be pretty equally matched. Against a lioness or tigress, the gorilla stand a small chance According to the Guinness Book of Records, one silverback gorilla managed to lift 1,800 lbs of weight. How do you even question that? Thank you for finally saying it. Leopards hunt gorillas, Including adult male silverbacks. Leopards are big and intelligent felines that feed on meat from multiple animals. Ive got to ask were you one of the ones who invaded our capital you POS! They cant throw tigers into trees or crack a grizzlys skull. And lets not forget your comment about brute strength. They do not go and hunt other animals they seriously lack the predatory instinct. And they are not effective at fighting leopards. They can strike, but not punch. Now that one is more of a toss up. Well lets be honest Spidey has the best outfit among most of the superheroes. The bear is heavier and has much heavier built muscles, they are just built to use them in different ways. Can a gorilla punch a lion? These big cats (and bears) dont just magically fall down broken because a silverback (mistaken for the Hulk) hits them, and they dont care about some projected deadlift figures that have never actually been observed just scaled up estimates from some 1930s dynameter tests done with chimps. Big cat moves in brushed of held down and crushed into the earth or the ape grabs its leg and swings it around like a rag doll and yes they are that strong! It dies not rip the leopard to pieces with its mythical strength. your spelling together. Preach brother. Edit: still getting shit rocked by a leopard but their teeth are actually pretty useful here and really his only hope, Really? These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Even if the gorilla fights off the leopard, it is a desperate fight. The only way a gorilla wins is if a human took a baby gorilla from birth and taught it how to use a spear. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Yes. Dont falsify the difference. Still many ppl believe what was written there. Its fine we understood of your inner hunger / your thirst for Spidey to blast his loads & loads of white sticky silk web to your face or you prefer to swallow both way is okay for Spidey. What are you talking about? Gorillas do have the upperhand, and some people are right! They dont hit as hard as you might think because they cant hit things effectively. When it comes to movement advantages, leopards can jump forward 20 ft and leap 10 ft straight up very helpful when charging at the prey and sticking claws in its body. Thus, a leopard is extremely unlikely to kill a Read More: Lion Vs Kodiak Bear Who Wins? the gorilla holds 10 minutes against the tiger, 5 minutes against the lion and 1 minute against the bear. A big Siberian tiger can be nearly 600lbs and would absolutely murder a silverback and couldnt care less about its strength same goes for a lion, both of which are, more than likely, outright stronger and most certainly more vicious than the silverback. you stupid faggot, you wear boxers with dickholes in the back. Using this skill it is a 99% victory against the big cats unless the elephants & rhino decided to join in. Leopards have 32 teeth, 4 of which are long, pointed canine teeth they use to kill their prey. Jaguar Vs. Tiger: Who Would Win in a Fight? Males between 8-12 years are called 'blackbacks'. We primates are strong animals but we bleed easily, which is why even us humans get scared when we see an angry dog even though we are likely stronger than it. Bears are then again stronger than any of these others. They don't have killer instincts like predators. Looking at these two beasts, it is easy to wonder who would win in a fight to the death between a gorilla and a leopard. Incredible,you guys are amazing,thanks a lot meet you next time. Someone knowing nothing about these animals has written it. (Related: How To Survive A Gorilla Attack). To anyone saying any of these animals could crush a Male tiger ur dumb, a gorillas natural predator is a leopard and tigers can take on leopards with ease, a Siberian tiger would destroy the north American grizzly no problem, considering it has every advantage possible, and comparing a tiger to a lion? How do I know that because of this extreme ridiculous bias. Bonobos have matriarchs, chimps have patriarchs and for two of the genetically closest animals there are they couldnt live more differently. Lets not forget pride. In their habitat, they can find unsuspecting gorillas susceptible to becoming their food. If you actually change your profile pic bc of this, Id get a good chuckle out of that. A dream, The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Let me share my 2 rupees, most of the assumptions are gorilla crush skull or gorilla gouge eyes. Male lions, also around 400 lbs, are evolved to fight each other for possession of a pride; the other predators here are evolved to hunt. Lol way to show yourself as the clueless idiot. That means that they are on top of the food chain and do not have natural predators hunting them. The lion won. I agree with most of what you said. That doesn't mean gorillas are weak, leopards are very Lmfao. The grizzly is also faster than the gorilla, but they stand about the same height. Either pack hunters or surprise strikes. On one hand the tarp is lose on the steak on the other its skin tight. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Leopards will make a brief and explosive charge, pounce on their prey, and dispatch it with a bite to the neck. gorillas can fricking punch are u thick they cant just bite. To determine the winner of this duel, we will take into consideration several factors. If you wanna play that way a tiger is even stronger than a gorilla. If it took the bears back, the bear is done. The gorilla is not weaponized for combat like the big cats. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. One instance, a leopard killed two adult male gorillas. If a gorilla has rarely battled anything, its losing to all of them. identify w/a gorilla(lookin @ urself in the mirror?) Gorillas are not predatory animals. Sorry factually a tiger will kill any lion any gorilla and most grizzlies as well. Then walk around for 3 hours. Awww were yout triggered by their username? Gorillas, bears, tigers, and lions dont stand a chance against the marvellous mustelid. Furthermore, a big angry grizzly (which can actually come in at 800lbs will outright stomp a silverback, in both power and ferocity, best thing a silverback could do in this situation is to lay down and play dead just like a human, or simply be mauled to death and parted out. THEN THE TIGER. Thoughts? BTW nigga if you happen to drop by this area what superheroes outfit would u parade in? It just depends on whos a better fighter. Leopards teeth and jaw muscles can produce bite power of around 310 PSI, significantly lower than a gorilla. I assume the gorilla is your favorite animal followed by the lion. There is really not that much difference between Lions and tigers. A 400lb gorilla is actually about equally as strong as a grizzly thats even upwards of 1000lbs bc of their physiology. When you try to cut the steak with the lose tarp instead of the knife catching and cutting through the steak it will simply pull the tarp along the meat without actually cutting it. Gorillas teeth/bite are actually very effective weapons. They dont kill to eat and they mostly do displays of dominance With each other where one submit without fighting. IIRC thats not true. The main reasons leopards win are stealth (they are ambush hunters) and skin. Remove the Spider-Man picture first you little fagget. The leopard would put up a fight and leave a mark on the gorilla. A pride is around 15 to 20 lions so one leader means you got about a10% shot of being that guy. As for bite force, you know what blows them all out of the water? Lions sleep 20 hours a day. Would like to hear somebody else thoughts on this, other then insults. Gorillas are stronger than Tigers and would rip big cats apart if they actually wanted to fight them. A tiger weighs 500 lbs? The silverback and adult females gorillas defended themselves and their offspring. A leopard could kill a silverback and there are several documentations of it, but generally I think leopards don't want to take their chances when there is easier prey available. This unknown skill was acquired through divinity and originated from some planet of the apes somewhere too far away in the galaxy of the next universe according to the gorillas elder. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Like maybe a trained K9 could win if it went straight for the throat, but i think a gorilla would manhandle a dog with relative ease. In real life, not this weird fantasy where gorillas have magical abilities, leopards kill and even hunt gorillas. Tarzan is cartoon, but scientific research has confirmed, that leopards do predate gorillas and are able to kill any gorilla they face if/when needed. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. The gorilla would be able to put up a fight and could injure the tiger if he was able to get a bite in, but that would be his only offense. So anyway, a leopard is capable of killing a silverback, yeah. Conversely, in a tree and able to get a good neck slash, again yes. If the leopard has the element of surprise, the odds are in the cat's favor. In their habitat, they can find unsuspecting Drink bleach please, Biden is one of the worst presidents we have ever had! Its a mma warrior against an assassin. Youd think thered at least be a bunch more if the gap were closer. Then, it slithers up the gorillas nose and eats its brain until it dies. Thus, a leopard is extremely unlikely to kill a gorilla due to the latters strength and size. As a result, gorillas win. Gorilla also lacks natural predators except for humans. Gorilla vs. Leopard Who Wins in a Fight? These hypotheticals are so freaking ridiculous but lets be realistic. If the fight would to happen in a dense forest, where a leopard could sneak up on the unsuspecting gorilla, the leopard might win. Now gorillas main weapons are bites. Lone gorillas are pretty uncommon because they're built like protien boulders and they get picked off because the reward is worth the effort. No biteforce measurements exists for a full grown lion on camera and neither for a tiger. A Siberian (Amur) Tiger, yeah; Bengal males are closer to 400. How about a fight between a gorilla and an amoeba? A gorilla would be terrified and make no mistake, a lion would take the victory about 98 of 100 times. leopard isnt natural predator of gorillas, its just Tarzan cartoon. Their fang-looking teeth can cut, rip, and tear tree bark or their enemies like a hot knife cuts through butter. Tiger is bigger and stronger. A gorilla does not stand any chance against a tiger or a lion male or female or even sub prime juvenile adult. Tigers ( prime siberian and bengal) are 50kg heavier, more denser muscles and bone, longer claws,stouter jaws,longer canines,bigger more muscled hind legs,swipe with both paws,their paws are larger,their bite force is almost twice as big for similar jaw size. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to allow sites to earn commissions by advertising and linking to products on Amazon as well as a number of select partners. Leopards often kill male Silverbacks, so there you go. Forget internet nerds and little kids, lets see what actual wild life experts say about Goillas vs Big Catslink below,, Spot on analysis. This is not true. Fucking idiot Gorillas have lots of muscle (around 40% of their body weight is muscles) and very dense bones this might come in handy when reducing a leopards impact. Throwing 1,000lbs, lifting 1,800-2,000lbs. Let a lion or tiger walk by the glass of the gorilla cage and watch the gorilla head for high ground, they dont do anything but run. Tigers ( prime siberian and bengal) are 50kg heavier, more denser muscles and bone, longer claws,stouter jaws,longer canines,bigger more muscled hind legs,swipe with both paws,their paws are larger,their bite force is almost twice as big for similar jaw size. Both have around 3-4 inch claws measured along outer curve and both can dig in about 1,5 inches deep. We as humans know the importance of intelligence. Gorillas dont hunt for nor kill(in most cases) to eat. Leopards are natural predators of gorillas and there are several cases in which a leopard has killed silverback gorillas. Strength and ferocity between these two apex predator Big Cats is pretty much equal. The bear is built like a tank and when not digging trees and tasty roots up, uses that giant front paw like a battering ram and would break a lion or tigers neck in one swat. Do the research. On the other hand, leopards are apex predators. That's why there are only a few documented leopard-gorilla encounters and it's usually in the leopard's favor; a win for the leopard is killing and eating the gorilla, while a win for the gorilla is scaring off the leopard. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Tiger would tiger it to the ground and tear out its throat. He should curbstomp. One last thoughtits quite possible that a gorilla could crush the skull of a tiger, lion or bear. Leopard is the smallest of large cats, which includes lions, tigers, and jaguars. Unless big cats can some how hit a main artery they aint making it far. Males can weigh between 300 and 450lbs with the smaller females ranging between 200 to 300 pounds. A male lion weighs in at 420 pounds. Gorillas are intelligent beings to take on a tiger by themselves would be unlikely as the whole troop would fight as one, most cats are cowards if an animal stands up to one, the cat will most likely back down but not always,,remember the umbrella trick against a charging lion, but lets say its uno upon uno then the gorilla would attempt to disable its assailant by breaking the limbs of the tiger or lion which or could do easily ,thereby disabling the cats main weapon its speed, so then the gorilla could go about its business, gorillas would bust any things out there DECLAN, Okay I agree Tiger is the top of the pack because its a bred killer and uses its attributes to kill even though I believe a gorrilla has the attributes to kill it. They can grow up to 2 inches long. For comparison, the normal human IQ score is approximately 100. In a fight all that matters is who has the largest courage. Leopards have been known to kill adult gorillas from time to time.Answer 2:Gorillas can kill leopards if they grabbed it, but leopards have been known to kill adult gorillas. hes so stupid, a lion would shit on a tiger cus they fight like every 10 mins and tigers are made for sneak attacking, theirs only like a 20kg weight difference, tigers are like assassins if they land on the lion from a tree they could win but if its face on, well all the real vids I watched which was recorded (their all old grey vids since thats when their wasnt animal activists deleting every real vid) the lion won every single one, but to the actual thing, a gorilla would smash every one of these animals, a gorilla can lift more then a tonne, a gorilla would throw the tiger and lion up into the tree and smash the skull of the grizzly bear into the ground with ease, the gorilla is the strongest pound for pound animal in the world. That kind of estimations are based on nothing. They cannot make a fist. Even leopards have killed many silverback gorillas. Winner: amoeba! Far more effective than anything they do with their fists. Next up, a Jaguar (although they would never meet) would make short work of a silverback. So you dont do that. I really think it depends on if the fight is in a forest or not. / Andy Rouse / WWF 10. They can climb a 50 feet tree while holding a kill in their mouths heavier than themselves. What about a tiger? They're too large and too Their whiskers help detect prey in dark spots and also give an indication of the size of the place walking around to prevent the head and body from getting stuck. Hahahahaha youre crazy a gorilla would fuck a tiger up so badly. This gives a leopard a clear edge under night conditions. Leopards are also nocturnal hunters; gorillas have poor night vision and sleep at night. damn, another fucking lying retard niggerSTFU queerbait. Gorillas have 32 teeth, just like us. Its too bad that his comment section has devolved into this. Gorillas have similar senses to humans, including hearing, sight (they seem to be slightly nearsighted and to have color vision), and smell. Historians say they always betted on the tiger because that was a sure thing. Not to mention a 1500 psi bite force, stronger than ANY bear or big cat bite. In a head-to-head fight in the open between a gorilla and a leopard, a gorilla would have a slightly better chance of winning. Leopards have the speed and agility, developed hunting skills, razor-sharp claws, and know where to bite to kill their victim, but a fully grown gorilla would be too big of a catch for the leopard. Between Tiger, Lion and Bear, the Lion might be the weakest, but its still far stronger than a Gorilla. This would be very difficult with the lions speed and agility. Grizzlies are way bigger and stronger than any of these other animals. Hypothetical, if people were avataring a gorrilla and a tiger body and knew they were fighting to the death, the gorrilla would destroy the tiger. You could reply a fight over and over, go back in time and somehow do something different. Also claws of tigers and lions are approximately same, both have those hook claws, so tigers dont have 4 inch claws against 1,5 inch for lions. The silverback gorilla is an endangered gorilla species. Gorillas also use intimidation tactics to scare their enemies this might come in handy against a lot smaller leopards. Required fields are marked *. He could break the tigers leg like its nothing. So will a hippo, an elephant, yak, bull, draft horse, buffalo, rhino and yes Thanos if we need to drag the Silver-Hulk versionetc. The other animals congregate around the male, hugging each other or forming a ring around him. I believe they could be taught to use a primitive weapon. Leopards are also very agile animals this might come in handy in reacting fast and avoiding punches and attacks from gorillas. So against this leopard the gorilla will flail and bite. Sorry factually a tiger will kill any lion any gorilla and most grizzlies as well. Not sure, but I can hardly see the ape surviving his wounds even if he kills the cat or cripples the cat. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. They are a lot stronger than leopards and have the advantage here. Punch are u thick they cant throw tigers into trees or crack a grizzlys skull, so you! Mention a 1500 PSI bite force, stronger than any bear or big cat bite they kill... Now that one is more of a silverback closer to 400 its nothing due to latters... These two apex predator big cats the tigers leg like its nothing deliver lethal! Skill it is bigger and stockier, with powerful forearms that might deliver a lethal blow to the neck a... 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can a leopard kill a silverback gorilla