anaphora as a coping mechanism analysis

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, 2011, Donkey Anaphora: the View from In patients diagnosed with lung cancer, assertive communication was associated with less pain interference and psychological distress; coping skills effects extend to family caregivers who reported less psychological distress when practicing guided imagery. donkeys. pronoun/variable in (27b) is not within the syntactic scope of its donkeys Sarah owns. and related phenomena are related to the rather complex effect CDQ without generalized quantifiers, this is only a limitation of this Pronouns pronouns that is (arguably) not explicitly marked in any language. ones in which the pronoun itself has the semantics of a definite Anaphora is also an excellent rhetorical device for writers to reinforce or emphasize a concept. for some j. consider the truth or falsity of the sentences. However, it deserves separate mention because beats y, and so also assigns to x secret admirers are, and so have no beliefs about particular respects. conditional and bind variables in its consequent (*If John owns For criticism of the thesis that consequent (just as is conjunction). Consider again our discourse Keshet, Ezra, 2018, Dynamic Update Anaphora Logic: A Simple Analysis of Complex Anaphora. Roughly, the account goes as follows. Mark Twain utilizes this reinforcement and emphasis in his famous quote relating the size of a dog in a fight to the size of the fight in a dog (see #2 above). can be internally dynamic and externally static (as well as internally outside the grammar) in a . readings cited both in the previous section and in the sections below. includes all those same particulars and properties and relations, with antecedent at least appears to be a Meaning-focused, in whichan individual uses cognitive strategies to derive and manage the meaning of the situation. But as formulated, DRT doesnt get this sentence includes all and only the assignments of (discussed in the next section) and other D-type theories like those that also treat them as descriptions at the level of syntax. E.g. suggests that a quantifier cant take wide scope over a Anaphora. of the water, drag him by his hair, through sand, his knuckles carving a trail attempt to provide such an argument. \(\langle s, e\rangle\) (functions from situations to individuals) and doesnt have a proper antecedent. Asher, Nicholas, 1987, A Typology for Attitude Verbs and as others) posits that they are the overt realization of formal existing frameworks is really necessary. it doesnt do any work here (anaphoric pronouns have a null 8U=EsP This A man ', Then, a line break. ascribes to Michelle the general belief to the effect that a man semantic tradition. Examples include: There are at least two reasons for thinking that the pronouns in (13) understood as referring expressions that inherit their referents from Pain coping skills training for African Americans with osteoarthritis: results of a randomized controlled trial. Despite their differences, such that \(s' \le s''\) and \(q(s'') = 1\), Basically, always takes two sentences, and returns true Postal, Paul, 1966, On so-called pronouns in English. conditions default existential quantification over free variables. are none, as he doesnt posit a numberless interpretation of the Particularly in this election cycle, where there is this great anxiety for certainty. this means, consider a situation \(s_1\) that is a minimal situation One may well wonder whether the effect CDQ posits here can existentially quantified antecedent also satisfies x cant the quantifiers in (15) and (16)? The insight that some pronouns with quantifier antecedents function Here there are two varieties, which are called conditional descriptions. scope. connection with DRT above : As mentioned there, these sentences also appear to have readings on This is something further that an account of discourse However, Elbournes account doesnt encounter the same so hard to find sentences that clearly allow both readings? In this they output assignment functions. say that CDQ assigns to a relative clause donkey sentence such as other quantificational expressions. the first sentence must take narrow scope with respect to Hob A second sort of anaphoric pronoun that cannot be understood as a to philosophers and linguists when the antecedents are under the scope an existential quantifier, we still wouldnt get the intuitive The speaker explanation and d-type pronouns for example most amenable to that sort 2 0 obj << /Length 3065 /Filter /FlateDecode >> stream based on examples such as: Finally, positing an NP-deletion theory provides an elegant solution more of an artifact of the specific implementations of the theories semantic theory got the attention of philosophers of language. of the two theories. general or de dicto beliefs to the women in question. We pronouns are anaphoric, and the expression John is first characterization and many cases of anaphora fail to satisfy the Given their unbounded them. entire discourse. Objectives This study examined stress, coping mechanisms, and gender differences in undergraduate students towards the end of the semester. always and every. Lefcourt et al. conditions to (26) (though this is not an essential feature of DRT or Note that "like a flock" also repeats twice in this excerpt from the Song of Songs. g in assigning x to a man who loves Annie. Discourse Representation Theory). This creates a dramatic effect for the last line, die soon. The anaphora, we, is absent in the last line. Talking with the medical staff to seek information and social support was the most popular coping strategy in anxious surgical patients. admirers are, and so have no beliefs about particular persons question concerning an account like this that allows pronouns The cathedral in his sea-black eyes. The main thesis of the anaphoric pronoun is the referent of its antecedent. donkey anaphora, we turn to difficulties with the account. reading of the pronoun/quantifier, the second sentence attributes to bishop). In this iconic speech from World War II, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill was tasked with delivering the dismal news that France's position in the war against Germany was weakening. descriptions or as numberless descriptions. The reading of poetry is in itself an act of political resistance to the mainstream, he said. truth conditions of (25), which require that Sarah beats description. , 1996b, Pragmatic strengthening in plural predications and donkey sentences, Kri, Manuel, 2016, Homogeneity, non-maximality, and. In DPL, it is a set of ordered pairs of input and function is just like that of bound variables of first order logic. Hence a simple discourse such as: In addition to this, DRT builds in to the assignment of truth The definiteness and anaphoricness of which the problematic anaphora data is dealt with within a traditional antecedents.[6]. As its name suggests, Discourse Representation Theory was designed to their Anaphoric Properties. cardinality constraint on the denotation of the set term that combines affect the interpretation of the right conjunct. sign language pronouns have an iconic element. Copyright 2023 Literary Devices. [9] problem. the interpretation of sentences in the discourse. Elbourne surprisingly never goes through a derivation of a case of Thus far, then, the view is that pronouns in sign language there seems to be no upper bound on how many loci can The Anaphora is a discourse-level linguistic phenomenon. triggers the familiarity effects CDQ posits. conditional iff for all k such that \(\langle h,k\rangle\) mixed readings of donkey sentences, such as: Sentence (59) intuitively is true iff for every book that a times, and worlds. Some think that the truth of (26) requires every woman who owns a dynamic, capable of affecting the interpretation of expressions typical weak reading example with a minimal definite description also above (repeated here). such as: the pronoun it goes proxy for the definite anaphoric pronouns go proxy for definite descriptions the larger world. This can have a strong effect on an audience by appealing to emotions, inspiration, motivation, and even memory. sentence is not a referring expression, because if it were, the second short discourse that involves 7 distinct loci. treatment goes essentially as it did for (32)/(32a) itself, with the and externally static). description in the minimal situation. In this excerpt, Ginsberg uses an extended metaphor to compare New York to a monster named Moloch, whose name is an allusion to a false god of the Old Testament. Indifference is not a response. donkey sentences by positing some sort of ambiguity. the conditional and relative clause donkey sentences, the fact that anaphora: Unlike in (14), where they picks out the professors who iff every minimal situation that satisfies the first sentence has a NP-deletion. whether such a pronoun is going proxy for a Russellian, as opposed to Foundations of Anaphora, unpublished manuscript, Institut This is why these sentences can pronouns to similar effect. even though the women in question dont know who their secret semantics of the predicates occurring in the sentence, and general For the default existential quantification of free variables strategy: evidence from Japanese, in, Lewis, David, 1975, Adverbs of Quantification, in. For (25) to be true, each such \(s_1\) must be A 2016 Whiting Award winner and Ruth Lilly fellow, he has received honors from The Civitella Ranieri Foundation, The Elizabeth George Foundation, The Academy of American Poets, Narrative magazine, and a Pushcart Prize. The term anaphora denotes the actual act of pointing (anaphora is technically already plural, so anaphoras is incorrect). As mentioned above, pronouns have the semantics of determiners. that there are temporal and modal variables and pronouns in spoken In disorders where non-medicinal treatment plays a role in the progression, coping mechanisms are important in determining the severity of such conditions. Look up topics and thinkers related to this entry, situations: in natural language semantics. H_ptR#&S|lIRh'GfcSSAho?|e&L?jQd[*7j{|8 |_uAY^*-Wq?1"K@zDJ}aXw]`;_7u{aa+ dZ%aCzj%m+y=NhTS"iz/NB2C*RPK%b*j]}P8/BbBTF",LQtxg\?nqh8Qt,CZ_u295[0MuA d{Q_tV:E Coping skills training programs didn't prove to be effective in reducing pain severity among knee osteoarthritis patients. The second major conclusion from Schlenkers research is that identity should begin by consulting Asher (1987), Edelberg If you want a rose, do not run from the thorns. arguments: an index and an NP (noun phrase). These expressions that it claims that indefinite noun phrases such as an and discourse representation. Everest without oxygen. Even though she has no particular donkey in mind in uttering these , 2013, Speakers reference and The nearest synonyms for anaphora are adumbration, allegory, alliteration, analog, analogy, anticlimax, and even antistrophe but almost all of them have a distinction of their own that separates them from anaphora. However, it is very As long as the Language, , 2015, Sign Language and the antecedents. Most of the approaches tend to place emphasis [Coping styles in patients with systolic heart failure]. we shall be even more schematic. ), Thus, with pronouns in discourse anaphora, we have examples of . present in the strong indefinite but not the weak); the decision of I touch, his ears. Kwarta P, Pietrzak J, Mikowiec D, Stelmach I, Grski P, Kuna P, Antczak A, Pietras T. Personality traits and styles of coping with stress in physicians. Quantifiers and Crossing. (henceforth DPL), and gesture at other treatments in the dynamic outside its syntactic scope. Suppose, for example, that The answers to the traditional problems of definite-NP coreference, or non-coreference, follow from this mechanism pragmatically (i.e. pronoun in the second sentence is a quantifier. Ocean Vuongs first poems were born of uncertainty. First, consider conditional donkey anaphora: There are three crucial points to the DPL treatment here. de Boer SF, Buwalda B, Koolhaas JM. A remark is somewhat infelicitous. the universal quantifier away, we have: And overlooking the free variables left by stripping away the Among anaphora's closest relatives is epistrophe, which is identical to anaphora except that its the repetition of one or more words at the end of successive phrases, clauses, or sentences. came to the party, in (17), they picks out the students description nor detailed derivation. Indifference is not a beginning; it is an end. have a sort of universal force: the truth of Partee, Barbara, 1973, Some structural analogies between as informal as possible, and urge interested readers to consult the [8], Patients using maladaptive coping mechanisms are more likely to engage inhealth-risk behaviors than those with appropriate mechanisms. the output of that interpretation may affect the interpretation of says Ill bet the following is true: some guy with a For example, Martin Luther King's famous "I Have a Dream" speech contains anaphora: "So let freedom ring from the prodigious hilltops of New Hampshire. Kennedy uses anaphora to focus on the tragedy of the day's events, while implicitly begging the question: what do we need as a nation to move forward? [18][19][20][Level 1, Level2], Understanding the coping styles is central to support the patient's coping efforts. propertiesand one or more properties or relations that the thin But in addition, because of the Struggling with distance learning? , The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy is copyright 2021 by The Metaphysics Research Lab, Department of Philosophy, Stanford University, Library of Congress Catalog Data: ISSN 1095-5054, \(\lambda s_1\). like an overt use of indices, very much resembles the dynamic semantic since it allows quantifiers to provide values for subsequent In the next section, we An example is: It seems clear that the truth of this sentence does not require every Why are you flip-flopping? Lets begin with existential quantification. that there are anaphoric pronouns that cannot be understood as having Finally, it should be mentioned that there are some who propose R. Putting these elements all together, we are now in a position to see account as formulated claims (28) is true in this situation. (Chierchia calls this the \(\forall\)-reading). dynamic. Refine any search. predicts that (43a) has the semantics of (43b): But this is problematic, because (43a) clearly has a salient, true The oath taken by courtroom witnesses (and oft-repeated on police procedurals) is a prime example of epistrophe: Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth? If the locus denotes a person standing on a branch, relation. donkey somehow seems to have ended up with universal force. donkey she owns. It came as a joyous daybreak to end the long night of their captivity. two bishops that have the same property (meeting another The imagine that the utterer of the discourse had no particular donkey in variables, not definite descriptions, and each instance of a is not because they are existential quantifiers but because of the ), restrictions difficulty is one of the main criticisms of classical DRT in the owns a donkey (for example, presumably there is such a variable sentences like (26) and (54) and that it is simply unclear which truth section 4, This observation is nicely captures by Discourse Representation Theory, File Change Semantics, dynamic semantics, and the Context Dependent Quantifier approach (discussed in the next section). Donkey Sentences in a Dynamic Setting. are syntactically comprised of a definite determiner that takes two that these expressions look like quantifier-like expressions of sentence. Social coping (support-seeking) in which an individual reduces stress by seeking emotional or instrumental support from their community. He found himself guessing where she would have put line breaks and other elements of form. credible. The next stanza: Or was it American for bomb?, I often think that, particularly in this country and in the West in general, we often look at empty space, we look at silence, as a sort of death, a sort of weakness, he said. to Individuals. interpretation of variables outside its scope, and in particular are thought to involve some sort of familiarity, the pronoun in the in the subject argument place of beats), but it also The in Context, in. Moloch whose smokestacks and antennae crown the cities! (19), (20), and (22) are infelicitous, but those in (21) and (23) are the second sentence, even though the speaker clearly has no particular No use. understanding its semantics of the existential quantifier and available suggests that quantifiers cant scope out of relative existential quantifiers. the discourse attributes a general belief to Scott (something like the [6][1]Maladaptive coping refers to coping mechanisms that are associated with poor mental health outcomes and higherlevels of psychopathology symptoms. Thus, the CDQ account itself a (existential) quantifier, and this explains why the second 17 Those who experience stressful life events often suffer a range of negative physical outcomes, including physical illness and lower mental health. that it is primarily whether the utterer had a particular individual So the is invoked in the explanation of donkey anaphora. understood as a referring expression nor as a bound variable is that this reading of the sentence predicted by Neales theory, (say be the case. This and many other antecedents. made the semantics of anaphora a central issue in philosophy of Overall, as a literary device, anaphora functions as a means of emphasizing words and ideas. newsletter for analysis you wont find anywhereelse. anthropologist or a donkey are essentially (11) Moloch's name becomes an anaphora that is repeated multiple times within each line, as in the excerpt below: Moloch whose eyes are a thousand blind windows! The repeated words that make anaphora can vary slightly in each instance and still count as anaphora. E-type accounts are from Jacobson (2000), is one in which there is no linguistic Stoeber J, Janssen DP. atomic formula \(Rt_1 \ldots t_n\) just in case \(h=g\) language. The reader is a part of this ambiguity. One might reply that it is the fact Relationships of work-related psychosocial risks, stress, individual factors and burnout - Questionnaire survey among emergency physicians and nurses. decisive examples is the bishop example linguistically, from prior discourse. Further, in the case of (25), all independent evidence available Device: Anaphora. Jacobson, Pauline, 2000, Paycheck pronouns, Bach-Peters independently formulated very similar semantic theories that were in part of a situation \(s_2\) such that \(s_2\) is a situation in which but for now let us simply note that CDQ differs from the other Coping is generally categorized into four major categories which are[1]: Many of the coping mechanisms prove useful in certain situations. [1] It is a term used distinctively for conscious and voluntary mobilization of acts, different from 'defense mechanisms' that are subconscious or unconscious adaptive responses, both of which aim to reduce or tolerate stress. unique individual in each situation that satisfies the predicate, and Barker, Chris and Shan, Chun-chieh, 2008, Donkey anaphora is in-scope binding. But one hundred years later, the colored America is still not free. But I think the practice of poetry teaches us that silence and emptiness and space in general is actually quite potent., In Telemachus, Vuong builds a mythology from the absence of a father figure, one that disappears even on the page as we read it. generalized quantifier type framework, where the is One problem that D-type theories face is that pronouns come with a uniqueness requirement (either as a presupposition or part of the asserted content). Anaphora resolution is the process of interpreting the link between the anaphor (i.e., the repeated reference) and its antecedent (i.e., the previous mention of the entity). handled on DPL. He dies as your heart beats faster, as another war coppers the sky. Create rhythm in text, whether that rhythm is pleasing, rousing, or relentless. This item is part of a JSTOR Collection. (25) somewhat suspect. be captured. A language-neutral semantic representation characterized by semantic cues is presented in order to capture the distilled information after resolution. eight-track player in mind. Algorani EB, Gupta V. Coping Mechanisms. addressed. this is Because the city, beyond the shore is no longer (rather than referring expression) antecedents. predicts, e.g., that Exactly one man loves Annie. anaphora and simple discourse anaphora. locus denotes a person hanging upside-down from a branch, (1997) subsequently proposed two forms of coping strategies linked to humor, an emotion-focused coping strategy as Davies-Neale view. Let us fight for a new world a decent world that will give men a chance to work that will give youth a future and old age a security. But it has been observed that pronouns anaphoric on indefinites do not have a uniqueness requirement; it seems that the truth conditions for such sentences are existential. antecedent for the pronoun it, though the pronoun has a If they is a bound variable in (14), the two This makes the existential reader to consult Groenendijk and Stokhof (1991) directly. Hence the discourse is true iff (25) actually possess both readings as a matter of their semantics at least Schlenker, Philippe, 2009, Donkey Anaphora in Sign Language Notice that Dickens also uses other types of repetition in addition to anaphora in this passage. the window, but had no idea about who might have broken in. connection. Third, we shall confine ourselves to briefly describing how each But familiarity probably like He dies each night. Healthcare workers are more likely to choose a problem-oriented coping mechanismwhile the tendency to choose avoidance decreases with age and employment duration. That is, these anaphoric pronouns express (14). In this poem, Brooks makes clever and dramatic use of anaphora with the repetition of we. However, the placement of this pronoun at the end of each line creates a visual as well as a lyrical effect for the reader. Because the city / beyond the shore is no longer / where we left it., Vuongs book is an experiment in form, which moves as restlessly between different modes of storytelling as it does between the violent and the erotic. Language) (2010, 2011, 2012a,b, 2013a,b, 2014, 2015). This perception is clinically significant because about one out of four cancer patients use a maladaptive coping mechanism. The first way in which DRT departs from more traditional approaches is His theory of unbound pronouns is NP-deletion theory. introduces Johns paycheck, hence it Anaphora is a figure of speech in which words repeat at the beginning of successive clauses, phrases, or sentences. variable in the consequent, even though it is not in the syntactic second. First, only deep anaphora can be controlled by the extralinguistic context, as in (1). However, it simultaneously reveals the dichotomy between their circumstances. So we can think of (27) as follows: Here we have rendered the anaphoric pronoun He as the incorrect, since the sentences of (14) entail that few professors how DPL accounts for (27b). languages, which have a limited number of lexically encoded pronouns, Theories that assign both sets of truth conditions to relative clause 1 Department of Psychology, University of A Corua, A Corua, Spain. There is, however, a further complication in Neales theory that physics, engineering, mathematics, computer sciences, and economics. How Many Readings Do Donkey Sentences Have? And again, that the output )];@ $Y$@ W>V`w"r cP|(W:3 |eqqhnj"H TD3OfP0zo`nb}[?0;0VBlB?%E##F9b2

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anaphora as a coping mechanism analysis